Ferdinand Cesarano

Or the Phillies could sign Youppi.

The headline says that this guy allegedly assaulted a sleeping woman; while the body of the story says that he “made a pass at one of the female passengers”. Those are two very different things. Which is it? 

The craziest thing about this is that fries are better at room temperature (as is nearly every food).

Why add extra sugar to the Coke? Wouldn’t it work just as well without that sugar? And can it be done with Diet Coke?

Also, I’d like to fill the eggshells with the best soda of all, Fresca, which is green.

This show has been wonderful, both the original version and the revival. The writing is crisp, and the performances are just beautiful. Also, add to that its historic contribution of bringing gay narratives fully into the mainstream.

The entire cast is outstanding, but Debra Messing deserves special notice. She is

Mocking this guy because he flew only 20 miles is a very weird take.

While it’s true that saves began being counted officially in 1969, the 1969 rule has been retroactively assigned to all seasons back to 1950. (The save rule changed slightly in 1974 and again in 1975.)

A different and more broad interpretation for assigning saves has been applied to seasons going back to the beginning

That is certainly not the only time a position player got a win. Rocky Colavito earned a win in a pitching apperance with the Yankees in 1968. He came into the game in the top of the fourth, replacing the starter in a game against Detroit in which the Yankees were down 5-0. The Yankees were in the first of three

The intergender champion is Andy Kaufman.

Fred’s pinky was wider than Wilma’s waist.

Those Astros uniforms are just beautiful.

Also, that second baseman knows how to wear his socks. He’s the only one in this clip who looks like a ballplayer.

This is brilliant! It is the equivalent of bunting against the shift.

Every strategy has not only a benefit but also a cost; and making your opponent face that cost is the right thing to do.

The most important thing is to put a space on either side of the em dash. Write “Your head — a frightful thing under the best of circumstances — presents a particularly gruesome countenence today”, giving those dashes room to breathe.

In that respect, yes. While in other important matters, he is one of history’s great geniuses.

It’s odd how people are built.

Cyclists do plenty that’s wrong. I as a cyclist frequently tell my fellow cyclists not to run red lights. I tell them this because that practice hurts us. Running red lights hurts cyclists’ interests by making witnesses angry, which leads to diatribes by lunatics and half-wits at community board meetings, and to

Star Trek is not the best example. The lamentable presence of homophobes and sexists within Star Trek fandom in no way changes the reality that Discovery mostly stinks.

If clubs are finding ways around the mendaciously-named “financial fair play” rules, then more power to them. Those rules should not exist.

There is nothing wrong with strictly enforcing a rule. But if a rule is unworkable as written, then the correct solution is to change that rule.

I wish this guy would fall off the edge of the Earth.

That’s Lil *Rel* Howery, not Lil Rey.