Ferdinand Cesarano

Mark Jackson is the basketball equivalent of Joe Morgan: a brilliant and inspirational player who is utterly painful to endure in the booth.

This incoherent rambling is not even good for starting a conversation. It is a kind of professionalised trolling.

As Brighter indicated before me, the exclusionary interpretation of “women’s sports” is what has to go. Women’s sports are for all women.

Furthermore, to spend any time pondering the supposed advantage that trans women might have is to grant undue credibility to the absurd notion that someone is going to undergo the

Some of the greatest impressions don’t mimic the subjects exactly. They seize on a few quirks and exaggerate them.

A perfect example is Dana Carvey’s Bush. The real Bush never actually said “na ga da”. Another one is Will Jordan’s Ed Sullivan. Jordan invented the primary Sullivan staple “really big shoe”, as well as

I can understand why Alec Baldwin is sick of doing the Trump impression.

But the impression itself was wonderful. Dripping with contempt, it is epoch-defining. Baldwin’s Trump impression will forever sit alongside Thomas Nast’s devastating drawings of Boss Tweed as one of history’s great carcicatures.

Wow, those are beautiful uniforms on UCLA. Stirrups, even!

The aesthetics of softball uniforms can sometimes get pretty gnarly. But this set is exemplary, as compared to any team in softball or baseball.

On that basis alone, UCLA deserved to win.

The most important thing is that the uniform in which Steve Blass is pictured is so dang beautiful. The Pirates were one of very few teams that looked good in pullovers (the others being the A’s and the Braves). And that shade of gold is gorgeous.

Furthermore, Blass is the author of one of the great quotes. When

The point of the game is to win the game. Players on a team that is behind are entitled to play to win; and if this includes bunting to get on base, then so be it.

A bunt for a hit in a blowout game is questionable.  A bunt for a hit in a game in which you are trailing by three runs is absolutely defensible.

Anyone who opposes trans women competing in women’s sports is denying the fact that trans women are women. That sort of intellectually dishonest argument is most definitely coming from a place of hate

Seeing Bill Hader’s enjoyment of things related to comedy is so enjoyable. It is similar to Dave Grohl in music. I just love the attitudes of both of those guys.

“But Ruiz obviously couldn't [not ‘could’] care less...”

Is he wearing an Expos cap?

Hammer fight.

“The important thing is that the film treat women properly.” The subjunctive mood is required for the verb in the subordinate clause, which refers to an unreal event.

By contrast, the sentence “The important thing is that the film treats women properly”, in which the verb in the subordinate clause in the indicative

I am so glad I skipped them!

When Pitino was the coach of the Knicks, with Mark Jackson at the point, Patrick Ewing in his career’s sole period of dominance in the paint, and long-range bombers Gerald Wilkins and Trent Tucker keeping opponents honest, that was the only time since the Clyde/Pearl days that that team was interesting.

I wish there could be a crossover between A.P. Bio and Those Who Can’t. Jack would be pals with Loren. He would become Shoemaker’s idol; and he would delight in tormenting Fairbell. And he’d surely start hitting on Abbey, though he’d quickly lose interest and wind up up thinking of her as a doofus.

Principles Durbin

I love this guy for this. May he have the best of luck.

The show is obviously not ruined. Still, I wonder what Hader was thinking regarding that particular writing choice.

I might, too, considering that being horny for Beverly Crusher is a normal condition.