TIL I want to be a dressmaker when I grow up so I can finally have clothes that fit across my chest. How does one learn about it?
TIL I want to be a dressmaker when I grow up so I can finally have clothes that fit across my chest. How does one learn about it?
My very small company makes free educational phone apps. I may have start attaching this infographic about the hours that go into app development as a reply whenever I get an email complaint about one of our apps where a customer (again, our apps are FREE) demands that we add this feature or another. My favourite is…
Mine look a lot like hers, and I’ve actually had one breast reduction already. They’ve kept growing, the older I get. I’m saving up for another reduction. It’s called gigantomastia, and sometimes it’s just the hand you’re dealt in life.
Oh, God. I feel you. I shut a car door on my finger more than 3 years ago and it slowly fell off in little chunks over the course of about 6 months (I had to keep it taped up so I wouldn’t frighten small children). It has grown back but it feels precarious to this day.
I have this same problem (5’8” here)
I have this same problem (5’8” here)
Can someone explain how tights are sized? I think 5’8” must be considered tall, because my tights are never long enough. I think this is the year I’m just going to ignore the sizing chart and buy a larger size and see what happens. I forsee bagging at the knee and ankle in my future.
Can someone explain how tights are sized? I think 5’8” must be considered tall, because my tights are never long…
I had the same experience in a restaurant recently. I ordered and the server didn’t look at me, and directed all of his questions to my husband. It got so ridiculous at one point I started laughing (which the server also ignored). I had to explain to my husband what was going on - he hadn’t noticed at all. I would…
Exactly. I was profoundly moved by visiting Wordsworth’s house. Is it architecturally significant? Of course not. But here is where the man sat, and thought, and wrote, and lived.
I maintain that is the saddest story in the world. Ray Bradbury really knew how to get to me.
Or with a little acetone (nail polish remover). Source: Every year, some kid would do this.
Karen Allen will always be Marion Ravenwood.
I was in Princeton during the filming of “A Beautiful Mind” and it was a huge inconvenience to the whole campus - and to top it off, Russell Crowe went around flipping off any of the students who dared to look at him. I guess he forgot who actually BELONGED there vs who was a guest, you know?
Yes. Remember Peggy Olsen’s first episode is titled “New Girl.” She was literally a new kind of girl, and as far as I’m concerned it’s her show.
At my school, all of the administrators were liberal. And gross, prudish perverts. It’s not about politics - people who love to be petty tyrants are drawn to these school administrative jobs.
It’s all the administrators - male and female, middle-aged, prudes and perverts. I speak from experience (former teacher who also got “slut-shamed” for what I wore - because I had breasts, and don’tyouknow they’re not allowed on a school campus).
I think a lot of these problems would go away if all our lives weren't dictated by morning people. What moron thinks it's a good idea for a kid to start school at 8:15? That's when they should be waking up, maybe.
How do bees make honey - with chewed-up, regurgitated nectar:
How do bees make honey - with chewed-up, regurgitated nectar:
I bought some of these black velvet hangers (they were a good price at Costco). Not great hangers, actually. A lot of clothes stick too much to them, and what's worse, the hook part detaches easily after a few months of use.
Agreed, everyone should have at least 2 pairs of sneakers since they take more than overnight to air out. This minimal of a list is going to result in a lot of stinky feet.