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    I'd be okay with getting rebooted Ward in the real world but even happier if we got Tripp back after his extremely untimely death (which always bothered me). Ward's probably more likely since they've put more character work into him this time, but I can dream.

    It does seem absurd that he's never bothered to ask anyone (and has it really taken this long for Lexie to come up?). I think it's more likely that the writers are lazy

    Josh was my assumption too. Idk who else it could be that Margo would be aware of?

    SAAAME. I loved both those characters the best. I really like Chyler Leigh's character on Supergirl though, so her at least is probably for the best.

    omg I would love for Christina to come back. I miss her presence on this show (minus the whole owen thing)

    I was so confused by that line. Like they've never been written as terribly close beyond being colleagues as far as I can remember?

    I kind of wish he'd been killed off sooner tbh. Like when they had the hospital shooting and he almost died but didn't (in season 6? i think?). I got into the series late and heard that he'd died so was surprised/disappointed he hadn't died there.

    Yeah, that reminded me of old trauma surgery April who isn't afraid to get in the thick of things. Hopefully they keep her there this time.

    She's also allowed to change her mind. She's not his property. I'm pretty sure they didn't have a real adult discussion about it (or aren't shown to)-i.e. not in bed and they got married insanely fast considering.

    He was still fairly delightful. I would not mind a reprise by him or some variant on Bat Mite (though there's no actual bat-people yet in the cw-verse…so idk how they'd do it). He did get the cw-treatment though (so is relatively good looking and not a tiny ancient leprechaun-ish creature with crazy hair)

    5 years difference in age is huge when you're 20, less so when you're 30. Maggie is at least 33 if the show is up to date (i.e. in 2017). It's one thing to be sheltered and emotionally stunted in some ways and it's another to act like you're 15 years younger than you actually are, especially in a professional

    Wasn't she just his girlfriend? I don't remember her being called his wife ever. But I definitely expect her to show up eventually, because the writers love that shit

    The thing is she's not that much younger than the other characters- per the wiki she was born in 1983 and Meredith was born in 1978. That's 5 years which is honestly not enough of a difference to make up for her being written the way she is, unless she's got some kind of underlying issue the writers haven't addressed.

    "Turns out this whole “A.L.I.E. inside Raven’s brain” thing is really messing with her head. She might have killed Murphy if Echo wasn’t there."

    I also really like Jackson & April, the whole plotline to separate them felt kind of forced to me because they've always had so much obvious chemistry. Hopefully it sticks and that can stop being a story beyond "aren't they cute".

    I'm still so mad about the way they're writing Caitlyn. Like can she not try to just learn to control her powers a little bit, instead of pushing them down/trying to get rid of it? It's the dumbest, elsa 2.0 plotline ever

    lol i know ;) ! I'd still prefer live action though

    I also wish this show would stop having people get married as a stop gap for relationship problems too. Like if they'd had some kind of conversation about this before getting married, it would be so much more believable (and also they could stop giving Owen the same storyline, like married to women who don't want what

    I keep forgetting about her. Chances she shows up just as the Riggs/Meredith thing actually gets off the ground?

    Amelia's behavior is pretty crappy but so is Owen's tbh. Who doesn't talk with their partner about future/possible kids before marrying them? He's done it at least twice now (also she's clearly having a problem and not dealing with it well, you'd think he'd be a little less hostile at her if he really loves her)