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    He's got nice hair and is pretty arrogant, but in a slightly charming way. And yeah, he's got a soul that's why he's Derek 2.0 (the improved model). He still feels kind of same-y though (and safe, but maybe that's fine?)

    If you like Jim Dale's voice (the narrator of PD), you'll also like the american release Harry Potter Audiobooks (if you also like harry potter that is)! He reads those and he's lovely. I like the Stephen Fry ones too, the Jim Dale ones just make me happier.

    She's established to be in her early 30s- according to the wiki she was born in 1983 which is definitely not a "child" by any definition. I'm not sure if Grey's is meant to be up to date (is it 2017 in their world? so she might be late 20s), but still. It's not like she's an 18 year old or something.

    That's essentially Justice League Dark :) Which I would love to see as a CW show tbh (maybe throw in Dr.Fate too just b/c they teased him in Constantine but never delivered)

    it's true! I recently re-watched the seasons where she's introduced b/c I didn't remember her being so terrible at first, but nope, she's written like a petulant child most of the time?

    Yeah, I'm not particularly for or against but at least Alex doesn't feel like Derek 2.0 either. I don't mind Riggs, but man, does Meredith have a type (or they're pushing her towards a type anyway).

    I mean you can still be friends with people and have them not know too much about your personal life or problems, that's definitely still within the realm of realism (especially if Jughead's dad has a long running substance abuse problem- and i'd guess he's probably some degree of abusive at home- that's the kind of

    It can work in shows that are a lot more whimsical generally- the best one I can think of is Pushing Daisies (but then the narrator is also an "other", not necessarily a character on the show). Jim Dale as the narrator really sold a lot of the more absurd elements of that show and added to its overall charming-ness in

    Oh man, I'd love him as Harry Dresden. Or Bob even (the skull)

    oh well, nvm then! I'm not really up on the comics, tbh, I read a few issues but the art was sort of inconsistent and the plots just didn't hold my interest

    I mean he could be bisexual, that's not out of the realm of possibilities (though it's never touched on in the show itself, and the subtext seemed to be that he was only interested in dudes)

    Yeah I thought it would have come up with the love interest thing? Because it seemed pretty clear that Andrew was totally in love with Warren, to the extent that it's actually a plot point in season 7 ?(i think? it's been awhile since I rewatched it though)

    I feel like Drusilla would be a bunch of fun too. Really any of the less-than-serious villains (or villains turned anti-heroes in Spike's case) would be a lot more fun than Buffy.

    I think that was the intent, but it really didn't work for me (since hair doesn't generally age that way, even though obviously the show isn't based much in realism, it still didn't fit)

    The current set isn't doing super well though and Bailey was much more responsible for Meredith et al than Weber, Owen taught Kepner, Sloan taught Avery and it was never clear who taught Callie (who was terrible as a chief resident and let Bailey do all the work). He mostly taught Meredith- which granted he did well-

    Weber's kind of a jerk and has been for the last few seasons, so I can't really feel that much sympathy for him (especially since he clearly hasn't been that good of a teacher?). And while Bailey's been making bad decisions/executing good decisions poorly lately, she's also not an irrational hateful bigot so I'm not

    Yeah, this. Also Webber's been a pretty consistently terrible teacher for awhile now, and him suddenly leading a revolt felt kind of off? Like I didn't really feel like this particular metaphor fit for Bailey, who seems to be doing the best she can against someone who was supposed to be supportive of her (though

    His super weird dye job makes it look like he walked off one the teen vampire CW shows and out of place on a *normal* teen drama show. I kind of wish they'd gone with a blonder ginger than that weird copper color (that plus his eyebrows gives him budget Robert Pattinson/Paul Wesley looks to me).

    I always thought that was perhaps the reason Jimmy Jr doesn't really appear all that interested in Tina.

    The Originals don't have humanity switches, it's mentioned at some point when they were on TVD (by Elijah or Rebecca maybe? so season 4?), which is why they're all insanely impulsive about everything b/c they can't actually ever turn it off (i think there were magic hand wavey reasons? it's been awhile, so I don't