Feral Catsnake

And then the clapping - let’s give this robot some positive reinforcement folks!

I called it a potato bug in Vegas in the 60s / 70s.  Heard roly-poly in Maryland / Idaho a few years later and thought “huh?”

Now playing

Suddenly Last Summer, 1959. Not the smoking scene, but same dress / brooch -

Most likely a couple of things. The Picasso, in this case, is probably shares of TD Ameritrade. In one of the emails is the concern that selling too much of their ownership stake in TD Ameritrade will cause them to lose board seats (I don’t know their particulars, but say 20% ownership gets you 2 seats and anything

The Colgate athletic department hastily sent out an email to other small schools asking for other cases where stand-in bands were hired.

It used to be my New Year’s Eve movie while the rest of the family fell asleep before midnight.  Then I got old and I was the one falling asleep.

This is what happens if you just cower and do nothing”. And I wonder how those cops would have responded if the teachers had countered and taken their asses down? Bring it on assholes.

When I hear about price shopping (as if the right medical service is based only on cost), I feel like the bad guy from Indiana Jones 3 picking out the holy grail, “I’m not a historian, I have no idea what it looks like”

Rekognition?  I wonder what the fictional folks at Rekall think of that name.

“Base, we’ve got Xena, Jackie Chan, and Robin Hood.”

Looks like he brought in Owen Labrie’s stylist.

Heh - good wordsmithing, attorneys. Singer has categorically denied having sex with or having a preference for underage men”. This statement means nothing - if you are underage, you aren’t an adult and you can’t be “men”. Now, let’s see if they are bold enough to change the statement to say “underage males”.

Thank you Looker!  Sincerely, my puberty.

In other news, the Republican-controlled House and Senate have voted to give themselves a $20 raise.

Perhaps in an airport toilet a la Captain Fantastic. “Bye Mommy!”

Probably the closest I can get to the Ark II - so why not.

Thinking back to the ActBlue online contribution form, there is a place where you list your employer (with no indication that its optional). Does that mean my employer is behind my contribution? No. Does that mean my contribution gets listed as a real estate / financial services / oil & gas / whatever industry my

Where’s little Anthony when you need him to deal with all the Bad Men?

Good thing she didn’t promise a McFlurry.  Since the machines are always down, that could have resulted in pushing the nuclear button.

Remember how he tried to be civil during the Dr. Christine Ford testimony just 2 months ago (god, it seems like a lifetime). “Look at me, I’m civil!” he proudly announces and then he got impatient and bam! Bam! will come shortly as soon as the toddler-level attention span runs out and he doesn’t feel like he’s getting