
Oh ok, just curious. I was an exchange student over therea while ago, and also noticed the lack of AC in general. Not that german summers are that horribly hot, but Im from alaska where the summers are even less so.

This is a wonderful film, but it came and passed practically unnoticed.

Tell me about it. Being bilingual, I have the worst time trying to remember words in either English or Spanish. Can't remember the word in Spanish? I remember it in English or something in Spanish completely unrelated. The same for English. It's frustrating.

hey aviation people: why were the wheels down while flying at that altitude?

Boy, I used a lot of words to say "don't like it, don't buy it"

So a few points...

A larger trackpad would be nice but I'd prefer the functionality of the top row of keys. The trackpad just isn't as important because of the touchscreen.


Agreed. I've probably been in hundreds of public restrooms over my life, and only about a handful of them were actually in gross condition

I hate public restrooms. Yes I always feel so dirty after I use them (and only ever feel comfortable doing my business when I am in the comfort of my own home). And yes, there are basic hygienic techniques that one must teach their little ones. And yes, there are situations in which I feel hand sanitizer are an

Concur. It reduces the "toy" nature of Win8 a little.

I agree, this seems more about the misgivings and paranoia of a few. Most public bathrooms (by which I mean the ones in establishments, malls, stores, etc) are cleaned regularly.

This seems extreme and seems to ignore that exposure to everyday germs is actually good for kids. As a matter of fact, studies have proven allergies are fewer in kids who are exposed to more dirt. That said, just wash the kid's hands and have some hand sanitizer for after you've touched the door to leave.

For real. I, for one, am very excited for this next iteration of Xbox.

There's a heated debate on Kotaku and other sites about it. But really, it's not an issue.

yeah it's the same cars as the U1 and a couple other lines. sans guys on accordions.

Ha, I actually thought the same thing. Wonder if they came from the same contractor or something, back in the 1960s.

Corporate users automatically renew licenses every calender year. So a company with 50,000 client machines running XP count as Windows 8 sales. The same thing happened with Windows 7. License counts are relatively meaningless in determining adoption rates.

Typical Gizmodo, failing to do any research whatsoever. Windows Phone has had MANY youtube apps, almost all of them superior to the official offering, for a very long time. Metrotube, Supertube and TubePro are just three examples.

MetroTube, the 3rd party WP app for Youtube, is more elegant and lets you preload videos alongside everything you just mentioned. Definitely worth a look.