
Pretty sure this is a Verizon specific variant. Definitely looks like the WP8 device to get on Verizon. It was previously rumored to be arriving around Thanksgiving, but I haven't hard anything about a release date in a few weeks.

Had no idea there was a connection, but that fact did bother me when I saw the third HP movie. Honestly, it was one of my least favorites. I was glad to see the movies grow up a bit, but there was just so much missing — from things cut out of the story to inconsistencies like the one you mention.

Needs to happen. Will happen. This is the logical progression of these things. Microsoft needs to leverage the number of developers targeting Windows Phone for the Windows 8 (metro) interface. And Windows Phone needs the market penetration of desktop Windows to create a really compelling reason to switch (especially

Truly amazing. I think we have all been expecting this to become reality, but it is nice to see it happening. I can't imagine how great that would feel to someone who has lost a limb.

I found Lost more painful than the Star Wars prequels, honestly. At least for the prequels I wasn't expecting much after the first one. For Lost, my disappointment just grew steadily after the so-promising first season. I will give you Wrath of Kahn, though. I like the movie, but it gets more praise than it deserves.

My name is Rob. I am an American living in Berlin and working as a UX/Web Designer. See more on that front on my website: robsawyer.me. Needs updating badly, but the blog section gets new stuff on occasion.

Now playing

Forgive my very basic (lack of) understanding about this, but as far as I know there are many different schools of thought on this. First: exploding with the power of a million nuclear bombs would not necessarily blow up our universe (I don't actually have any math to prove this, but I am 99% sure that as big as that

If they can get the price point correct, this could work out pretty well. That said, I already am a big fan of the Surface... I do feel like they need to officially kill the desktop for Windows 8 RT to make the transition for tablets (smaller tablets, especially).

I would imagine that the connections wouldn't have to be upgraded after a point. I would say the surgical part would more likely be a connection rather than the actual prosthetic. As a crude example, a nervous system-to-USB connection. Then the prosthetic could simply be upgraded based on that connection.

No doubt this is a push to unify the bing search experience with the upcoming Windows 8.1 update. I think the Bing "hero" style search is the chance Microsoft has to start gaining some ground in this space. Not sure it is enough (and I have yet to play with 8.1 much), but it is a move in the right direction.

The only thing that really bothers me about the calendar is what happens when you scroll... seriously, scrolling in monthly view is crazy. Also that it displays everyone's birthday... Otherwise I don't mind it, though I barely use a calendar anyway.

A fair point. What made it an (easier) transition for me was simply that my most important email is one that I own. Originally it was set up to work through a gmail account, but I recently switched it to work through Outlook.com instead. That said, I still keep my various accounts (gmail included) and use them for

Microsoft really did a great job with Outlook. I hated hotmail, but now I have moved over to using Outlook over Gmail for the most part.

Having just walked out of the subway in Berlin, this would be a really cool game to play. They just need to make sure they have enough of the lines blocked off due to construction to make it realistic.

The main hall they have pictured above certainly is impressive... but the apartment inside looks decidedly drab.

Yeah, I am really on the border on what to get. My current machine is a 17", super heavy, Sager notebook. Has lasted really well, but the fans can be heard from outside the room with the door closed... It is also 5 years old. I have a Surface RT that has replaced it for everything except work tasks (Web Design).

Good to hear this. I am in the market for my next machine and need it to do some heavy lifting. My current machine is extremely loud due to the fans, so really want to avoid that in the next computer...

From a hardware standpoint, though, look at the Zune HD and the Surface. Both are beautiful devices. I would honestly pick a phone with the Surface design language over the recent Nokia one (and I love my Nokia phone).

I also have a 920 and can certainly attest to the usefulness of the mass transit app. I am very much looking forward to the Pro Camera app coming, too (once mine finally gets updated to Amber).

As a windows phone owner (and lover), the only downside to this I am worried about is if there are fewer quality apps coming directly from Nokia (now Microsoft) for my phone. Some of the Nokia made apps are some of the best on the platform... I just want that to continue.