
Living in Germany now (am from the U.S.) and was astonished at how much data costs here. Am really missing the unlimited (non-throttled) data I still had in the States.

Looks like a nice resource. I can also echo that codeacademy is a pretty good site. w3schools is, as has been added, not the most accurate or reliable source.

As has been said, look for something other than .com or .org.

I have my own domain - http://robsawyer.me that I use as my personal portfolio/blog. But I am a Web/UX Designer, so it is pretty much mandatory. Tried for a .com address first, but my name is far too common.

I'm pretty sure that exactly describes why we need a moon base. Plus, Martin Landou.

I am right there with you. Best thing EVER.

Thunderball may not actually be all that great; I likely enjoy it just for connections to childhood and the like (just as I enjoy Goldeneye more than it probably deserves).

Goldfinger or Thunderball. Goldeneye is a bit of a classic as well, in my eyes... if only for the video game.

Good read. And I have to say, having seen the film over the weekend, I was very happy to see Bond back on track after the incredible job Casino Royale did to revamping the franchise. Mendes did an excellent job and I hope he comes back for the next one.

Is windows 8 even officially released yet? It seems a bit crazy to be faulting windows RT for its lack of apps when it is unreleased (or is on its first days).

I'm 23 and I'm not sure I could keep myself from swinging from this if it was in my house/apartment.

Though I rarely do it on my laptop's touchpad, it allows for a double-tap to "select" something, then a drag to move it. Such as grabbing a taskbar and scrolling down. Inelegant, but the function is there. However, if someone is serious about drawing something in Illustrator (enough to actually own Illustrator),

I was both the winner and the loser at that point..

That is what I did for my undergrad health/fitness class when they made us track our eating habits/caloric intake for a week. My top score was around 4500 calories one day from eating KFC, McDonalds, Jack in the Box, and Waffle House (and probably something for breakfast too).

Would definitely agree with you. Doubt it would do anything to my eating habits (if I want to eat stuff that is bad for me, I do). But, more information doesn't hurt. And there are certainly a lot of things that parade themselves as "healthy" without actually being healthy.

My first goal for passwords is to make them very long... but many sites impose an arbitrary limit to how long your password can be. Is incredibly frustrating to have to use a less secure password due to site limitations.

Am a web designer/developer as well and can certainly echo the hate of IE. Yes, IE9 is leaps and bounds ahead of IE8, but it still is not on the level of chrome or firefox. Microsoft needs to embrace a fundamental shift in their IE update model and start updating the browser the same way chrome and firefox do, or it

Was convinced to go to a haunted house last year with some friends that was supposed to be terrifying (it wasn't). This, however, I think I would find rather disturbing.

Count me in with that. And Sir Ian. Which made me so so sad that the original X-Men movies were not better.

If you are on the fence, I would maybe hold of and let the die-hard fans find all the bugs first, then decide if you still want one (after apple responds about fixes and the like). It isn't called the bleeding edge for nothing—though having shiny new hardware is always fun.