I am really unconvinced of the usefulness of this. All of the footage they have taken just looks wrong.
I am really unconvinced of the usefulness of this. All of the footage they have taken just looks wrong.
I was thinking the same thing as I looked at this. In Germany, round up or maybe add on a Euro, depending.
Many thanks. Not on the list (though very doubtful any of us are), but I really appreciated a simple way to check.
No, but my eardrums ache when I get really really hungry.
"The bottom line is, R rated films don't make a lot of cash [...]"
I love Wait Wait and George Takei is great. Thank you, sir, for inspiring me to listen to that again.
Bah! I liked those things. They always told me the weather when I was waiting for the next U-Bahn.
@vein11: This is what I have used for some time as well. I started out with Evernote and then switched—I much prefer Catch.
@Seanross: Yeah, I saw this and was really confused about the skype app that I got on my droid a while ago. I didn't realize it was only for verizon phones.
Reminds me of a story about Led Zepplin from NPR. (Quoted from Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me)
I have known quite a few RA's and lived with one my Sophomore year. They are just students slightly older/the same age with a boss to answer to. For Freshman, the RA is really just a resource meant to make your life a bit easier (and stop you from doing anything too stupid).
@Harrad: Haha, I had to listen very closely for that one.
Has there ever been an app listed here for Android?
I have been using it since beta, but it has not replaced my regular numbers.
I used something similar with Gizmo5 (back when it was still open) and GV while I spent some time living in Germany to call people in the states. Is a wonderful tool, GV.
That thing better be a prototype, because it is freaking ugly. It looks like it's made of the cheap matte plastic from a 90's Walmart toaster.
@DiomedesT: The podcasts were always free... I think the news here is just the ability to stream from a browser as opposed to downloading them through music software—i.e. zune or itunes. This has nothing to do with the zune pass.
I'm pretty sure Dark Forces (for PC) was the first video game I ever really played.
@The_Red: I rented mirror's edge and couldn't play it for extended periods of time without becoming somewhat nauseous. Never really felt like I would throw up, but always ended up with a headache and slight queasy feeling.