
This is really not accurate at all. There is very coherent science behind them. The first drug administered, sodium thiopental, is the same drug that they use to euthanize animals. It’s an incredibly powerful barbiturate that’s also used for general anesthesia. The doses used for lethal injection would cause the

They won’t sell them for this use. They’re not FDA approved for it anyway.

MMOs are notoriously hard to get rolling and be 100% profitable. Outside of huge successes like World of Warcraft, I don’t think anyone would wanna do one because they tend to be black holes that just suck funding dry. See: Kingdoms of Amalur MMO (a.k.a Project Copernicus, didn’t even get going), Star Wars: The Old

You’re right, I would be wrong to dismiss a comment like this one. I don’t mind being called a “radical feminist,” but I’m sure you understand that being called “retarded”, a “moron,” etc. does not make me inclined to keep talking to you. Let me then rephrase: further comments that devolve into mindless personal

I love the “further comments will be dismissed” it’s like the typical sign of a radical feminist having their convictions shaken by another point of view. Love it. I am a 9/10 special ed teacher and because I also hold a Masters, work as the Title IX coordinator for the district. The English teacher and I also have a

You know occasionally you’ll see

No, I’m with you.

Am I the only person that thinks your behavior is actually supposed to change when you’re pregnant and want to carry the child to term (meaning at some point it really isn’t going to be solely about mom and her body?)

Thinking the name is clever or fitting isn’t the point. The point is that you have to live under a rock to not realize that if you have sequels, the original will always be referred to as “[whatever] 1". All this does is cause confusion to the masses who aren’t already in the know, when marketing should be making it

I’ve also seen benevolent ‘powerful’ people bullied by those with ‘less’ power than they.

Yeah, I suppose most things are changeable if you try hard enough. Except for things which have already happened, which really is the topic of this article.

“I don’t think you understand what imbalance of power means. All things being equal, there is no opportunity for bullying.”

I agree 100%! As I was telling deerlady83, several months ago the same thing happened to me in Jez and Gawker comments. I guess when compared to most Gawker readers, some of my views might be seen as conservative. In reality my views are middle of the road, at the most. Whenever I’d comment on social issues,

Yeah, personally, I think the definition Jia presents of bullying is way off. Even if it IS something you could easily change—say a kid gets seriously and mercilessly made fun of for, like, wearing uncool clothes, for example (and it’s not because they can’t afford other clothes). That’s a totally

I think society requires that narrative because we live in a climate in which people CANNOT deal with these problems on a large scale.

I agree with you, though I think Jia had some good points in her piece as well. I have definitely seen (and experienced) bullying for the things in my life that were under control, like academic performance for instance. More than a few individuals opt to dumb themselves down for the benefit of their public profile.

I am curious about what seems to be a lack of attacks and venom pointed at Jay-Z? Is that a thing and I missed it? I would think people speaking to him in the same manner would get news time. This isn’t snark. I am curious how “The Hive” can openly threaten a woman and go after her kids, but no one has anything to say

For the most part yes, however if all of sudden you get 15,000 death threats in 24 hours, and your kids are too, that might be bullying.

I used to think that (and my relationship as an Odd Future fan is endlessly complicated) until I started hearing about cases where people were stalked from place to place online. Whenever they deleted one facebook page, that one was bombarded, whenever they closed and opened a new instagram page, that one was

I really like this, because I’ve also seen the concept creep going on regarding bullying (no, making fun of a bigot isn’t bullying the bigot), and I also see a lot of power in breaking down when and why internet hate and harassment is distinct from bullying (or ‘cyberbullying’ which is just the same thing but with a