
People on Tumblr use the idea of “Social Justice” to justify all sorts of shitty behavior. A while ago I came across a post on a Dragon Age fanblog where writer David Gaider (a gay man who’s been very vocal about social justice issues in the past) was accused of “bi-erasure” for writing the series’ first gay companion

The drugs that are used to painlessly put down animals are no longer being sold to American prisons, which is why they switched to the Hydromorphone/Midazolam cocktail (that Pfizer is now refusing to sell to them) in the first place.

An AR (in 5.56mm) doesn’t penetrate walls all that well. Contrary to what you see in Counter-Strike, small-caliber/high-speed FMJ bullets tend to fragment upon impact, so the energy is quickly dispersed. You’re more likely to overpenetrate with a high-powered handgun.

Note that virtually all the rapes in this story were committed by Black people.

From what I’ve read, the Japanese are reeeaally into legal highs for this reason.

The Japanese were the ones who invented Methamphetamine.

Cheese in particular is so addictive because it contains a protein called casein which, when digested releases actual opiates called casomorphins.

Yeah, I generally like to give people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to allegations of racism and I really don’t see why Jezebel is so enamored with Amber Rose, but the term “Baby Mama” really, really rubs me the wrong way because it usually comes across as moderately racist and/or extremely patronizing for

“The Purple is the noblest shroud” - Empress Theodora

A lot of people with umlaut-containing languages actually pronounce it “Mo-Durr-head”, albeit most do so in a tongue-in-cheek way ( atleast I hope so).

So she uses the correct pronunciation for her first name and an incorrect one for her last name?

Sorry, was too busy noticing the Zettai to care about cultural norms.

Funny you should mention you’re Bosnian, because the situation we have right here in Austria, where we had a huge influx of immigrants from the Yugoslavian successor states during the 90s, is that right now, the Serb community is being successfully courted by the far-right “Freedom Party” - basically the same people

I remember there being this incident where we were discussing the number of sexual partners one could theoretically please simultaneously, with me trying to do a demonstration on his couch. Turns out that trying to simultaneously simulate a handjob, a blowjob and a footjob was just as impossible an act of multitasking

Wait, is that an official Infinite Jest reference?

I think Rihanna is more attractive than Madonna, even though the latter has (so far) had the more impressive career.

I doubt anybody spews as much vitriol about Dunham as modern feminists do.

“We” (=you Americans) used to do just that. Then barbiturates (the put-you-to-sleep-permantently type of downers) were replaced by safer drugs for most applications, and barbiturates suddenly became specialty drugs produced by a few European manufacturers.

Don’t forget “Fremdschämen” (“fremmd-shay-men”), sometimes translated as “vicarious embarrassment” - seeing somebody make such an ass out of themselves that what should be hilarious actually becomes thoroughly unpleasant to watch/listen to.

Selegiline (the active compound in Emsam) gets metabilized into LEVO-Methamphetamine, which is the at best very weakly psychoactive form of Meth, and more of a nasal decongestant... think Pseudoephedrine. Also, if you exceed the Emsam dose necessary for inhibiting MAO-B (to the point where it also inhibits MAO-A,