
I dunno, when I was at the psych ward a few years ago and they said the Clown Doctors would be coming over at 3 PM, I made sure to spend an hour in the yard to avoid them, because I knew that watching them miserably fail at being funny would only get me even more depressed and I’d have to ask for an extra Ativan to

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“Ich bin Casper... der freundliche Geist, der freundliche Geist, der schärfste in der Stadt...”
My brother introduced this movie to me when it ran on German TV.... needless to say the dubbing didn’t make it easier not to burst out laughing at Casper and Telly’s ramblings :P

As a drama, Kids always felt like a massive failure to me. Telly and Casper are such horrible pieces of human garbage that AIDS can’t kill them fast enough for me, and any girl stupid enough to have unprotected sex with these little shits and thus potentially become complicit in passing on their genetic material to

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Atleast they gave us the basis for one of my favourite covers ever:
Saul Williams / “Niggy Tardust” doing “Sunday Bloody Sunday”, produced by Trent Reznor

Offing yourself with a fuckton of pills is actually pretty hard unless you either have access to opiates or are willing to risk a high chance of surviving with severe damage to your organs if you’re using OTC painkillers.

Killing yourself with downers worked in the 60s, back when we were still using barbiturates.

Stevia is a mix of several compounds with tastes ranging from “horrible” to “barely acceptable”.... actually, it’s not just the taste, but also the fact that it tends to come on very sloooowly (like a 1 or 2 second delay after putting it in your mouth) and then linger on the tongue forever.

Commercial Stevia is often

Actually, as someone with a Master’s in Food Science, I can tell you with confidence that *all* high-intensity sweeteners taste worse than sugar, BUT the trick is that they are all inferior in their very own special way. So the trick is to combine several sweeteners into a blend so there isn’t enough of each that

Caffeine pills have been around for a long time though.
Over-the-counter caffeine pills are typically around 5 bucks for 50 or so pills at 100 miligrams (i.e. 25% more caffeine than a can of RedBull) each.

It’s kind of bizarre though that the withdrawal would feel different, as the active ingredient (D-amphetamine) in both is the same - it’s just that Vyvanse is a prodrug consisting of pure D-amphetamine with lysine attached to it, rendering it inactive before it is procesed in the liver, whereas Adderall is 75%

Concerta is basically just a really fancy extended-release pill containing Ritalin, similar to Ritalin SR and LA. Focalin is a “purer” form of Ritalin (but it isn’t actually stronger, because the dosages are only half as much).

Likewise, Vyvanse is just a non-snortable version of (dextro-)amphetamine (the amphetamine

Adderal has a cap concerning its effectiveness. Above the prescribed amount doesn’t do much more as your brain only has so much serotonin and receptors for it, it can’t just make it pop out of thin air.

Heh, I actually recall this song receiving some heavy airplay on Austria’s state-owned radio, Ö3 (unfortunately, that isn’t a heavy metal umlaut :( ) back in the Mid 90s.

I went through a phase of prescription drug addiction and severe depression, during which I said some things that haunt me to this day.

Still, when I played “Dear Esther”, and my character was narrating about how he was “cramming Diazepam like he’d used to cram for chemistry exams” my reaction wasn’t to feel

This post might actually justify the existence of Season 2 of True Detective.
Unfortunately, I can only star it, although it probably deserves a freaking Quasar.

Onanie/Onanism is derived from Onan? You don’t say!
But no, it is fairly unlikely that the Japanese got it from the Christians - after a Catholic rebellion in the early 17th century, Japan further amplified their xenophobic and isolationist policies, and Christians were driven underground. The term “Kakure Kurishtan”

It’s most likely derived from the related German word, “Onanie”.

I’m assuming that’s derived from the German “Onanie”.
Japanese actually has a bunch of German loanwords, such as “arubaito” (“Arbeit”).


Here in Europe, we just incinerate people on the field with Roman Candles or Bengal Fires. Maybe also a barrage of bottles from the first few rows.