
Ugh, South Park is failing hard here. First, that isnt trolling. Trolling got WAY more nuanced from just yelling at people. No mention of doxxing, no mention of conversation destroying, no mention of harassment campaigns. Then the girls bit is just more total bullshit from these yokels, all the girls do the worst

TLDR, so Adnan needed to be white is what you are saying?

Which captain marvel run? I would like to read that…

WE HOPE. I mean, I love hickman, but WTF man, new comics are coming out next week and that amazing build up to secret war is still mostly unused. Which suuuucks. I hope in these last 2-3 issues that they make all that pay off somehow.

Oh yeah, I also absolutely expect Gold Skull and Dani Cage to come to and stay in the past for some reason. I feel like they could do the AF Songbird, the timing works out well, I just have ZERO idea what Genis has been up to, didn't he get retconed? So yeah it's likely that songbird is not around anymore.

Did you actually like A force though? I found it to be the biggest let down in the battleworld books.

SO… Beards that have no neck action look stupid. THERE. I said it. It shouldn't be all on the neck or something but you need some beard on your neck!

Yeah she is like the only person in Norway (some remote part) and then Ex Nihilo evolved Earth from Mars and she gets a super suit that can defend the planet. There has been like exactly 10 panels with her doing or saying anything at all, so hopefully they remember that they created her and she seems interesting.

2 things I am super looking forward to: Songbird finally being in the damn avengers, I would LOVE it if they did a tie in with the old Avengers Forever story (That was effing awesome BTW). And the Female Thor! I was loving her book then bam, secret wars, I can't wait to pick it up again.

The one where she is WAY too thin? or the one where she is holding a kabbalah tree?

To be fair she is from a dimension of perfect harmony, so it makes a kinda sense if she only has ugly clothing as a go to for developing a sense of style.

Dan Slott is that somebody! Great Lakes Avengers!

Pod! She is some Norwegian lesbian that found the totality of earths self defense. She may or may not also have cannonball's baby in there. I really want a million more POD stories pls.

Before some nerd gets all up in my grill I know Dazzler was originally supposed to be black. But that looks like a darker 616 Dazzler.

Who is black dazzler?

Dude she is a Ditko character from way back! She beat Dr. Doom and that canon babe!