
Apple's target market is people who can afford to spend $2200 on a "bare bones" laptop. Guess what? that's also a (shock horror) minority.

Shhh, you're interrupting their fApple time.

I've found freezing 3/4 of your bottle and keeping it at about a 30 degree angle in the freezer should do the trick. It does for me, the ice lasts long enough to get me through the day, and it is a HOT office I work in.

I was thinking of this as well, the timing on this is atrocious :P

Sounds interesting, I'll give it a look. Thanks!

Yeah, I know, I'm just bitter they said they'd be trying to give my country coverage and several years later, no dice.

I used to love Pandora until they decided my country wasn't good enough for them :(

So, I take it you're new to this thing called Internet?

People who use "their" instead of "there" should not be so judgmental.

I think you made a believer out of me. And paired with the guy's art (only Beast here doesn't fit, he looks like something out of Dr. Seuss) he could really do something pretty great.


*ba dum pish*

Because he'd take every spot.

Believe me, I'm all for original stories, but unless he gives them completely different powers/personalities and all permutations therein, the parallels drawn will be too much for this fledgling story to overcome.

Me too, Metric ftw.

He was supposed to be drunk?


But then they would say he's just ripping off the X-Men.

"They'll attempt to remove the weight, through exercise and better eating. These actions can often release the same chemicals from the brain as eating fatty foods."