Dust for Vomit

I think it is a French thing. Lots of French brands sell cellulite "reducing" creams, and similar bunkum. French women may not get fat, haha, but they get flabby, wrinkled and bumpy.

Yes, because low blood pressure can make you faint, or worse!

I thought the primary value of DASH for hypertension was the electrolyte balance improvement because of consuming more calcium and potassium, and I think the low fat part was tacked on, because that was thought to be healthy and better for weight loss at the time. It is an artifact.

I tried it, 5:2. I found I did not mind not eating as much as I thought I would, but had a lot of trouble controlling bingeing afterwards. I prefer low carb, whole foods with plenty of vegetables and fats.

Beano helps a bit. IBS here.

Okay, the clerk of that court should be able to provide a copy of the charges and may be able to direct you to expungement procedures, or direct you to whatever they call the prosecuting attorney in PA: it's District Attorney in NY, State's Attorney in IL and Solicitor in SC. Dunno about PA, except I think the clerk

Call the prosecuting attorneys' office where the charge was filed.

If you spray your chest, you get the max effect. Or your wrists, so you smell it when you gesture. Sillage is overrated.

Hey, two data points in Alabama is not "the south." Here in Columbia, SC, we have good in-school therapy for kids on the spectrum.

Bring back The Hour! All you Brits, please raise a hue and cry!

Synthroid helped a bit, but was no panacea. I go back to Dr. Phil's "Life is managed, not cured."

Fish oil may help, too. I had the same experiences with weight gain and crazy thoughts on Wellbutrin plus Proxac, Celexa, maybe one other?, plus chronic diarrhea. Zoloft straight up, in a higher dose, was suggested by my counselor (a PhD in Counseling who works in a Christian counseling center, and is Baptist, but

In a freshly gentrified neighborhood!

Martha Stewart suggested stacking front to back in the drawers, held up with bookends. I fold my tees in thirds and thirds again and do this.

Yes, it did! Fuller skirts, defined waists...very flattering for a large pear!

Yes, it did! Fuller skirts, defined waists...very flattering for a large pear!

Acting, m'dear.

And Eli?

Ecru is so Josephine Bonaparte! Frenchwomen Don't Wash Their Knickers! A best seller for sure!

But they were organic, made with maple syrup tapped and boiled by artisanal virgins....