Dust for Vomit

Don't know about the warming part—there were some—I think they used ginger, and I can't think that inflaming your skin is good to get stuff out—more likely to clog you up. Clay masks—Origins makes a charcoal-infused one, and Borghese's Fango has been around forever. Queen Helene Mint Julep mask is available in beauty

Beware—I had several pairs of FS and loved them, but the last pair I bought was kind of small. On eBay, and not returnable, so I'm working them out.

Any shoe with a slight lift, of course, until the fasciitis eases up—then do exercises to loosen up those calf muscles.I haven't had a problem since I got to working on my calves. As far as the wide width—Clarks and Naturalizer make shoes in widths—check Zappos or Endless—or, as the article yesterday suggested—eBay is

The best expression of a phenomenon I have witnessed again and again. Thank you!

Absolutely. Women lawyers who became lawyers before the 80s are seldom, um, easy to deal with, but those who are younger, or second career, say, are usually more than helpful!

I didn't have much luck with the LE flats, but a pair of LE Canvas ones are genius!

You won't want to wear a super slim.

I have a tendency to flush, and find that a slightly warmer red—towards a coral or blood orange, doesn't play up the rosiness.

Sometimes "frumpy" equals "long enough for a tall woman with a butt that displaces a lot of fabric, who wants to sit on skirt, not public seat, when she sits down"—but I was in Penney's yesterday, and there are some gorgeous clothes, attractively displayed, and several hem lengths. Yay!

Exactly—Democrats believe in a strong community—we all kick in to spread the costs of caring for those who are less fortunate, weaker, sicker, younger, older.....then we allow people freedom to love whom they love, make their own health care decisions in concert with their doctors, etc.

Madeleine Stowe is the cover story in the current issue of More Magazine. According to the story, she chose to drop out, more or less, and live on her ranch with her husband who is somebody kind of famous —Brian Benben?—-until recently....

Kids—and by that, I mean all y'all under 35: I checked IDs for our local St. Pat's Festival, and realized that everyone under 35 looked like college students to me, just as everyone over 35 looks like an old person to college age people. I asked around and it seems to be true for a lot of people.

Tell me about it. I've been 5'10" since I was ten, yet it was only when I was in my thirties that people stopped assuming I was older than I was based on height. FWIW, daily sunscreen for the past 25 years, and not smoking means that at 52, with quite gray hair, people now think I'm ten years younger than i am.

Consumer Reports had a whole deal on how Pyrex is no longer borosilicate glass and can shatter very easily and Pyrex acts like it's all your fault. I ditched all my pyrex bakeware after that.

He's down in the Treme, just he and his bay-bay...

Exactly! I eat far more healthfully than anyone I know, exercise plentifully daily, etc., yet I am still fighting weight regain. it is so much harder if you have been overweight your whole life, and add on thyroid issues, etc., well...

She's not divorced yet—Greg only served her last episode. It took a long time in New York back then.

Sal wasn't going to get anything out of it except keeping his job, as opposed to the big reward Joan reaped.

What makes you think anywhere else is any different?

You can't judge her by today's circumstances. She was an aging sex bomb with a kid—which was a big deal back then—also, don't forget she was happily Roger's fur-coat-wearing mistress, and even today, would an office manager make partner? Usually people are made partner because they are rainmakers or otherwise have