
A store isn't going to open what looks to be a perfectly shrink-wrapped item based on a whim.

I've never heard of anyone dropping $3k on a computer— to do so nowadays would skirt absurdity. Four GPUs, SSDs in a SATA0, etc. If someone were to pay that much though, they'd get a hell of a lot more performance out of their computer (and longevity) than an Alienware. The first computer I ever built I compared to an

Only kids use the "you kids," argument. Grow up and learn to type.

Sam I feel like this article is missing a call to action. It's very easy to sit on a pedestal and denounce everyone, but unless you've got a point all you're doing is finger-pointing. This is a half-finished article, it'd be a good one if you actually had a point to make, but all you're doing is denouncing one group

Wouldn't you know, it was actually Nintendo that screwed over Sony. After signing an agreement giving Sony control of SNES-CD developed games, due to Sony's participation in developing the CD-drive based gaming system, Hiroshi Yamauchi secretly broke all ties with Sony and went to Phillips for a joint-venture. Sony

Beta sign-ups are rarely looked into, most people with a pulse are able to lie their way through the most topical of filters in a beta-application (games tested before, interest in reporting bugs, etc). The "extra comments" section would take an astronomical amount of time, especially if it's a high-profile game (say,

Likely the same thing that happens when you sit down on anything containing iron.

I think that the crazy look is what makes them look cool. People throw terms like "artist" around strangely, Andy Warhol was fantastic at making prints that look close to 1:1 product shots of Campbell's Tomato soup, and he's celebrated internationally as an incredible artist. This guy does something unique with what

Your art isn't bad, but that font is horrible. Really takes away from the comic art, feels like the text was done in MS paint.

Opening photoshop literally takes me less than two seconds from clicking the icon to being able to start working. Upgrade your computer.

Integrated cards aren't meant for gaming, they're meant for basic stuff like watching a 720p video on Youtube.

An 80-word writing sample? I don't see how you could qualify someone other than doing it as a complete-idiot filter.

It's showmanship, seeing something "fall from space" even though it would hit the same speed after 20,000 has more impact on the common man. Ever hear of something called viral marketing?

I've always liked Kaz, and found that he's a pretty good presenter. Back when I would follow E3 very closely, I would always enjoy the Sony conferences simply because of him. Unintentionally goofy and candid, I dig it.

America invented being unruly in lines. Deal with it.

Looks like bad CG. Can't give you any positive reason other than it sets off my uncanny valley triggers.

"A lot of times I barely have enough money to get all the Wii/(3)DS games I want,"

Martin's characters are memorable. When I finished Storm of Swords a friend asked me who the main character was. Deaths in the book notwithstanding, I came up with a list of 25 characters off of the top of my head without having to flip to the appendix. Characterization is important, though, and I don't think this is

So your wife is a child?

Try having some fun sometime, you might just like it.