
Honest question, are we ever going to see a Blizzard game that looks anything like its respective in-game cinematics? I feel like we're back in 1999, where we'd put up with PS1 visuals as a sort of guideline, but the CG was where we saw how things were supposed to look, barring technical limitations. I'm not

Advancement in tech is awesome, just because Steve Jobs crammed it down your throat that your eyes can't tell the difference doesn't mean it isn't useful or cool. I'd rather have a display that exceeds the eye's maximum level of discernment instead of one that is riddled with screen-door effects. This is hardly

Just you. The money blowing around in a bank vault looks fantastic.

You should have bought an Nvidia card.

Comparing software to hardware is stupid. This is simply forced obsolescence on Apple's part.

Aren't you a unique little anarchist snowflake. I remember back when I was in middle school and thought politics were super cool.

Care for some trilogy recommendations? Mistborn isn't bad, but Brandon Sanderson is a half-decent writer at best. The story's not bad, but I can't get over how "safe" his writing is.

Flash in the background right now is taking 42MB of my ram with 0% cpu usage. Upgrade your computer.

The DS came out in 2004. 9/11 happened in 2001. Come on, now.

I was excited until I watched that video. That combat looks like shit, just as bad as FFXI's. It's not 2003 any more, you don't need to worry about accommodating 56.6k and below users with the almost turn-based ATB combat. Having your character stop and wait around for a second before being able to cast spells is

Looks more like an underground mine fire caused that.

Wow, what an insightful revelation. I'll be sure to pass it onto anyone who paints, draws, or sculpts, clearly they've been wasting their time.

I've never held a porcupine, but I bet they're uncomfortable. Sometimes you just know.

"Make sure to click on the expand button in the bottom right to enlarge each comic."


I tried that first, couldn't get an expand button. Could just be my system acting strange, but it's clunky to have a user first click a tiny preview to get a cropped preview, then click the cropped preview in order to get the full-size image.

You guys should really have a different format for viewing the comics, almost all of these are un-readable due to them being cropped by the viewer.

Nothing like backpedaling while taking an impossibly high moral road to show off a very weak argument.


I can't see RTS working in an MMO realm just because it wouldn't add anything unique to the genre. It seems like it'd be a gimped version of an RTS with less units and less features just for the sake of calling it an MMO. Games like Starcraft do this very well, this is one genre that doesn't really need to be taken