Yes, do you really think that white women face as much harassment online as black or latino men? They don’t. They also exceed black and latino men in the pay gap with the same educational and experience background. Next.
Yes, do you really think that white women face as much harassment online as black or latino men? They don’t. They also exceed black and latino men in the pay gap with the same educational and experience background. Next.
Good. Now maybe they’ll stop casting her in future films since she can’t be trusted..
Sorry, no white redemption plus the the constant death threats.
Same reason Lena Duhnam and Amy Schumer still have careers after their overt racism. It’s moreso about race than anything. Chris brown served his time, no redemption, Michael Vick served his time, no redemption.
Yes, enslave people. Make them work for free for your white entertainment. That’s the libertarian way! Anything to make business more profitable.
Nobody is forcing you to comment either.
IT means something to the people in the industry, as it should. Every industry deserves to reward people for their greatness and people deserve to be recognized for their contributions.
Let black people talk about black artists. Her music is NOT for you or anybody else who isn’t black. She explains this in her music multiple times.
Waiting on the next article, “The problem with how white women perceive racism.” Followed up by, “The problem with how white women benefit from affirmative action and white privilege to get ahead with fewer qualifications and experience.”
Next article should be, “How to deal with White Womaning At Work.” Getting ahead doing the minimal, playing the victim, and talking down to minority(poc) staff members with more experience and education.
The acting on Scandal is far worse and people still watch that.
Leading what charge? This has been done in other institutions for years now. They only did what’s popular at this point.
No. Bias is why you have nothing to say about movies about England with no black actors. Since you’r so convinced white people are present at all places and in all things.. you couldn’t POSSIBLY dismiss people of color in English films.
Not really, white people do not need to be involved in everything. You have everything.. why victimize yourself when there is no victimization of you?
Since when is “white” diversity?
Black girls and this tomming. smh
Why would you write about what information was included with the exec’s personal accounts? Whatever happened to journalistic integrity?
Why... would they have girlfriends?