
Would I still have to pay taxes?

That's what I was trying to say. Thank you.

Tastes in shows are not universal. Doctor who is just too damned cheesy and british. Not liking it doesn't make you a bad person and won't get your geek badge revoked (and if it does who cares). I exaggerated about the one episode. My wife wanted to give it a try - I grabbed a few episodes from every season I could

I think you nailed why I can't get into it - the over-british-ness and that damned screwdriver. The over-british-ness is likely why I can't watch monty python. The bad guys are also so cheesy (not the good kind like middlman).

I'm not saying TNG is better - I'm just saying doctor who sucks. I have never been able to get through a whole episode... I usually give a show 2-3 episodes.

You guys don't have to like Doctor Who just because you're told to. We all know it sucks. Just admit it.

Between the mass of iron man 3 and GOT trailers - I feel like I don't need to watch either to know what's going on.

I just come here to see the comments blasting the ludicrously priced crap that gets posted.