
Don’t be disingenuous and pretend you think that what the tweet means is that his skin color and religion make him unqualified or less able to lead the party. Get real about what goes on in politics. That is what the writer was doing, and to vilify him might make your SJW heart swell, but it is off the mark.The

The Comey letter. Face one fact: If she had just gotten high black turnout, she would have won. Don’t think the Comey letter kept blacks home. Plus, whatever you think of Comey, Hillary created the mess and refused to clean it up when she had the chance to.

Let’s face it: Liberals often make skin color and religion as a grounds for suitability. And then there is the world that you want and the one that is. Let’s not be disingenuous and pretend that choosing a left-wing black Muslim is going to have some consequences for the fate of the Democrats.

Keep up that “You’re a racist”strategy. Perfect plan for losing to the Republicans in 2020 too.

The Democrats never blocked a nomination? Never accused Republicans of acting out of cruelty, greed, racism, bigotry, and all other kinds of evil? You really have blinders on. You just don’t like it when you’re on the losing side.

You don’t have to accept him, but mentally you’d be better off if you accepted the fact that he was elected by the same system that elected your guy.

Harry Reid openly obstructed everything Bush did, and was proud of it. That’s called politics and the legislative system. When other people use the tactics of the left, the left gets upset, because those tactics are reserved for people on the right side of morality.

Were they asking for counseling from their schools and employers? Were they breaking windows and throwing crap at cops like kids who’s had their toys taken away?

This is just a variety of “when you do it, it’s wrong; when I do it, it’s on the side of right.”

Before the election, there was bedwetting in the media and on the left that Trump “wouldn’t accept the results of the election,” even though he wasn’t in office and it would be irrelevant whether he “accepted” a loss or not. Now the Democrats have lost unexpectedly, and the fragile crybabies on the left are