That's one reason I used to prefer to play on the wing at school - if you're in the pack getting punched/butted is pretty much a given.
That's one reason I used to prefer to play on the wing at school - if you're in the pack getting punched/butted is pretty much a given.
Yeah, only once since school though (in a sense, I think a big part of becoming an adult is learning how to avoid being punched in the face), plenty before that in the playground. Also used to do some martial arts as a kid and though hits to the face weren't allowed, accidents happen and you'd sometimes get clipped…
Ooof, yeah, that'd get a look although it's a not uncommon mistake, particularly if you're not only from abroad but also have English as a second language. Think you may have the areas flipped though because John Bishop is actually from Liverpool (and has the broad scouse accent to go with it) so was probably trying…
Indeed, what a massive relief it is to share an online community with like-minded folk, something I don't think we, in this era of constantly juggling multiple balls, always pause to appreciate. Yes, in my view The AV Club should take a moment to enjoy the relief of its members.
Oh to be in such a blessed position myself !
Featuring Josh Hartnett playing a Yorkshireman in a solid contender for top 10 worst movie accents of all time. Worth it for Nighy and Rickman though.
Unless it's a Carry On film, in which case, two things.
I dunno about only good thing, it's an amazing cast (hard to think of anyone more appropriate at the time for Zaphod and Arthur than Rockwell and Freeman). Just a shame what they had to work with.
I'm not taking any such line, as I say above i'm pro-choice. But yeah, if you're having trouble separating an abstract discussion about morality from actual child murder we may have reached the end of the line.
Sure but then so is murdering children presumably. People who disagree over abortion simply draw the "what is a child ?" line in a different place. If you've determined for absolute certain when a developing bunch of cells becomes a human being capable of suffering and deserving of all the legal protections personhood…
But then I can easily imagine a situation when blowing up innocent people might lead to less suffering on the whole. In fact that's basically what that horrible euphemism "collateral damage" is all about right, killing innocents for "the greater good" ?
Partly because almost no-one I know is going to be there.
If he succeeds before they travel back the change to the timeline may well lead to them not going back at all, hence the urgency. Say he kills JFK in 1961, well from that point on their past would have had JFK die in 1961 and why would they go back to change something that's always been the case ? They wouldn't even…
Yeah, agreed, worthwhile talk. As a Brit myself I see the whole Northern Ireland situation in the 20th century, particularly since '68 as a giant mess which was very much of our own making (by, among other things, employing what could only _very_ charitably be called "heavy handed tactics" to quell civil unrest -…
See, the problem is i'm sure both the KKK and the Shankhill butchers would contend that their acts were carried out to defend and preserve their culture, their freedom, their women and children or some such other nonsense and who knows, they may even genuinely believe it, just as the PIRA believed they were fighting…
Can't that be said of all terrorists though ? They all have their reasons whether you agree with them or not.
That's a bit different though surely ? There's a difference between forcing them to watch older films and sitting them in front of films that are older. I don't have kids but none of my friends needed to _force_ their kids to watch Star Wars - the effects may have aged somewhat but at its heart it's a rollicking…
Nah, the same universe with events linked to events in the following films also suffices. The same or related characters strenghtens the link but it's not necessary for it to be a prequel.
There was a time when i'd just assume that was trailer misdirection. That time was before the Batman vs Superman trailer which near as dammit has the ending of the film in it.