
Yeah, she spent much of series 7 as a glorified Macguffin rather than a fully realised character. With 12 Clara really came into her own.

Yeah, agreed. Series 2 felt redundant to me. Series 3 is apparently about a completely different crime (but still in Broadchurch so with many of the same characters). Unless the writers are very clever about it that's going to feel pretty contrived I think but time will tell.

"But they enjoy a life of privilege born of divine mandate, yet want us
to understand them as equally human? Isn't that the contradiction?"

So, Johnny Lee Miller as Sick Boy - most convincing fake Scottish accent committed to screen ?

Yep, for me this is more review proof than Star Wars.

The baby wasn't taken (except I suppose in the euphemistic "unto God's bosum" sense). Would that it were.

Is there not perhaps something of a contradiction in that though ? You're right, they're no better than many families but doesn't that then mean we should be able to feel the same empathy for them we do for anyone ? As you point out, they're just human beings after all. Elizabeth has lead a life of incredible

Also "Broadchurch" (he's back for series 3).

Have you seen her short film "Conventional" ? Worth a look and a good indication that there's more to Gillan than might seem apparent. Of the three main actors from Smith's run on Who I could see her having the most varied career.

Or what in the UK would be known as "3/5 of a test match".

I avoid Youtube comments like the plague they are but as a person with somewhat humanist leanings reading that sort of thing makes me feel how I imagine a wife must when she finds out her husband is a serial killer, like, "But I _believed_ in you and all along _this_ is who you were ?!!".

Right ? By today's standards actually a pretty subtle troll.

Pics or it didn't not happen.

It is indeed related to how your brain processes colours (an idea called colour constancy) and barely at all to do with how monitors show them. And your brain can recalibrate its colour constancy "algorithm" which leads to the dress switching colours (I couldn't get it to switch by staring but sometimes i'd look away

Well, i'm still kidding myself i'm not that old but otherwise…

Or Schott-El ? Winn-Kal ?

Yeah, New York exists in the DCU (various characters have lived there over the years). That said both Metropolis and Gotham are arguably stand-ins for sides of NY - the old saw goes that Metropolis is New York on a sunny summer's afternoon and Gotham is New York at 3 am (might've been John Byrne that said something

Indeed. I could see a future where "struck dumb" has morphed in meaning into something more like "brain fart" and the mute meaning is more or less lost (i'd say it's slightly old-fashioned even now).

Yeah, it's true of many insults I think. "Idiot" and "moron" were once technical terms about mental ability too for instance.

“Hello babies. Welcome to Earth. It's hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It's round and wet and crowded. On the outside, babies, you've got a hundred years here. There's only one rule that I know of, babies-"God damn it, you've got to be kind.”