
I think Moffat's a better writer than showrunner for sure but i'm not quite in the disaster camp. Series 5 is about the best, most narratively and metatextually coherent season arc of nuWho I think, 6 and 7 were pretty messy then 8 and 9 picked up again. He likes clever plots and I think an argument could be made that

At its worst (most of S1) 'Torchwood's scripts were deeply stupid, featuring equally stupid and/or morally bankrupt main characters we're presumably meant to see as heroes or at least root for. Much as i'd like to see more of Jack i'm dubious about a reboot and i'm deeply dubious about Chibnall taking over Who since

Well, it's slang for boobs but it actually means a bread roll, hence doubling the entendre count.

Fair point, HMG is pretty far from angelic in real life nevermind on shows like that where the establishment is this sort of omnipresent, overwhelming force grinding down the "little people". Mullen's Lenny at least thought he was doing it for the right reasons though I suppose but even then he was callous and

Yeah, Mullen's always worth watching. Do we know if he's playing American ? Otherwise the role sounds sort of similar to his part in the UK series "The Fixer" from a few years back, albeit less on the side of the angels.

One does not simply glide into Mordor.

I'm not.

Either way, not good news for Ms Dormer since Carbon-14 dating only works on dead tissue (living organisms constantly replenish their supply of radioactive Carbon).

That article raises some interesting points but the idea of "useless science" is utterly wrong headed IMO. The only useless science is bad science (of which there's plenty, don't get me wrong). Science is trying to model reality and by doing so better understand it. End of. Technology is about usefulness.

But just the old favourites.

Bants ! Great stuff.

Heh, no bud, i'm living amongst you though unlike the immigrants in Nigel's poster that you're all apparently so terrified of, you can't usually tell the Scots from looking. Awra best ;-).

Heh, nice one. You lot and your "bants" eh ? Rascals the bunch of you.

Arrogant presumption of own correctness, typical English "mistake". Not a septic, just not much of a monarchist. Scots born and raised.

Not sure if you're kidding or not but while that is Philip Jackson (from 'Poirot'), that's not Maisie Williams.

It also loses the pun in the title. "Wolves" is a common shortened form of Wolverhampton, where the show's set. So, y'know, two things etc.

I think we may be dicks but i'm still collating the data.

Well, you have way more pertinent experience than me (i've never even set foot in the US, nevermind New York) so you may well be right about many/most of the parents or even Jones himself (and like yourself i've certainly met plenty of "fair weather liberals" whose ideals only last until it starts to impinge on their

It doesn't strike me as hypocritical really. TDS is at least partly about the woeful job the US media often do. Their aim is eyeballs often through sensationalism and controversy, not the best solution to the problem for all concerned so advising people not to throw themselves into the maw of the machine seems a

No, i'd say it's Spider-Man 2 and not 1 which is considered to be the best Maguire Spidey. Some still consider it one of the best super-hero films to date. Opinions vary though of course.