
He also wrote dozens of screenplays. His inclusion wasn't odd.

Maybe you're looking for PA to say something wrong because you called her out for not being witty to some rando telemodel on the red carpet and then she turned around and made this awesome speech. It seems pretty obvious at this point that she had other things on her mind than amusing the public on the way in.

Is it wrong that I fully expect my best friend who happens to be gay to be as supportive of and vocal about my rights as a female as I have been for his rights as a gay person? He and I have discussed it and he even agrees-how could he NOT stand with me when I continue to stand with him?

Because I'm sure that's exactly what she meant.

I instantly gained respect for any lady in the audience who was psyched for that speech. It looks like J-Lo was trying to summon up a standing O.

I loved that show!!! I watching it on Netflix right now.

I'm pulling so hard for Patricia Arquette. I have an irrational (or maybe totally rational) love for her. She's having fun and she deserves to be there — she's a fantastic actress.

They honestly think we have no problems that outlawing abortion and gays and reading Ayn Rand (abridged version) won't cure.

I think he's saying "I'm a racist idiot."

It's as though they've worn out "socialist" to the point that it doesn't have the visceral, ignorant impact they want, so they're test-driving new buzzwords for the dimwitted to misspell on placards. They should try something shorter though. And more to the point. How about "black"?

I've heard that from Republicans before. It's a racist dog whistle. A way of saying he's an African who doesn't want European colonists in Africa. He's calling Obama Kenyan without coming out and really saying it.

Here's an Issac Asimov quote that I post whenever someone on my Facebook feed posts something deliberately stupid:

Also, for the record, there is nothing wrong with socialism. The idea that the economic benefits of a society should be re-distributed in a fashion that equitable and fair is not Satan.

They don't understand that to solve a problem you first have to admit you have a problem.

These are the exact same wankstains who are trying to outlaw AP US History classes because they're "anti-American" and "unpatriotic". I hate these willfully stupid people.

Also, is anti-colonialism some kind of problem?! COLONIALISM WAS AND IS A TREMENDOUS EVIL, RUDOLPH. I want to staple a copy of King Leopold's Ghost to Giuliani's stupid face.

Jesus Christ on a bicycle.