In the U.S., you could sell out whole stadiums if you featured live executions. That's the kind of country we have, and the kind of people living in it.
In the U.S., you could sell out whole stadiums if you featured live executions. That's the kind of country we have, and the kind of people living in it.
Seriously? Arizona took 2 hours to execute a person. Ohio took half an hour to kill a guy. Oklahoma had a guy with a needle in him for 20 minutes, bucking and shouting he was on fire. Google "botched execution" and you'll find a good many entries.
Beheading, lethal injection, and electrocution are ALL barbaric.
because women aren't people, and potential babies might be boys and later men — who are people.
Having a miscarriage is just proof that you didn't want the baby enough so God decided not to let you keep it, and not wanting the baby is practically the same thing as having an abortion and everyone knows abortion is murder. The previous sentence is a paraphrase of an actual thing an actual person said to my…
And also what is with holding women accountable for the outcome of their pregnancy, as if anyone has any control over it. It's taking a medical issue and turning it into a criminal offence.
There are bound to be posters who think the death penalty is just fine and dandy complaining about this.
I read all of that and now I think you have too much free time. You might wanna use it to pry that enormous stick out of your ass.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again.
If the anti-abortion nutcases in this country have their way, this will be us before long. God damn these fucking zealots. Why aren't the lives of women considered more valuable than a cluster of cells?
Yes, beheading is barbaric and western (i.e. United States) usage of the Death Penalty is barbaric and stupid too.
And firing squad, when done right, (whatever the fuck that means) is also "humane." There's nothing right about judicially killing a human being because they did something wrong.
I would agree that it is wrong in all cases. It has nothing to do with a desire to preserve the life of a Timothy Mcveigh or Jeffrey Dahmer like person. I don't want us to be killers. You can argue if we ever really have to go to war (I think we do), but we have no need to kill criminals who are already safely locked…
My guess is that an under 1 minute execution is more humane than an 18 minute one where the convicted claimed his whole body was on fire. Given the quick loss of blood I doubt painkillers make a difference unless they were using shots of heroin.
Yeah, gloating that we're "better" than this? That's a pretty fucking low bar to clear. We're still beset with racism and tribalism, and give more weight to sentiment and some vague notions of "justice" (bloody retribution) than to reason or logic or any of the high-minded ideals we espouse. In a lot of ways, we're…
yeah. I firmly believe that unless a nation is 100% free of the taint that comes from endorsing capital punishment on their own soil, than they have no right to judge the judicially sanctioned killing of a convicted murder in another nation.
It's somewhat ironic to me that any American should decry this as barbaric. We are one of the few so called "developed" nations that still kills in the name of justice. There is no clean execution, let's top pretending we're more humane than Iran or Saudi Arabia. Just because we do it behind closed doors in death…
Definitely. This is awful, but the United States executed 35 people last year and 3 so far this year. Is state-sanctioned murder okay then if it's done behind closed doors with poison?
I am 100% against the death penalty in any and all cases. That said, the idea that beheading is "barbaric" is just western racism.
In addition to being almost all-white, the nominations were also almost all-male. Pretty much the only female nominations were those FOR the female-specific categories.