
My cat is also a calico (well, dilute tortie) named Mimi!

That's because you don't have to buy it. I do.

"I'm sorry, but you just look so... much... like... Angela Lansbury."

I will burn this bitch down if another Bush gets elected. Jesus Christ on a cracker.

She looks like my kitteh, Bella! (Except Bella is FAT.) I found her in the alley outside my apartment. She was chipped, but her former owner's number was disconnected and no one ever claimed her. So now she is mine! (Or I am hers.) This is how close she likes to get to your face. You can't really see her eye color,

GOB is my rescue kitty and he is the greatest kitty ever. We have been happily together for over a year, and he is officially one of my longest and most successful relationships.

The coolest cats are shelter cats!

Here's Milla, my little rescue kitty… we just has our 3rd anniversary last month. Love the little wee beastie!


I met a lovely black kitten yesterday named Einstein. He had his best "take me home" face on.

I feel confused and sad. Why does a woman who is a performer do this self-exploitative shit ? Isn't her singing/rapping/performing/writing good enough ? What is with this Playboy style porno styled crap ? Like yeah, she's sexy, all that surgery she bought looks pretty good combined with all the styling, hair, make-up,

btw, what do you mean with BLACK womens sexuality? Do you think I can't criticize a woman fairly because she is black?

There is a lot of talk why gender equality has stalled. In my opinion, one reason is that while legally in many countries women and men have equal rights, there are more subtle things to tackle now - as general gender roles, stereotyping and bias. And I really believe one of the reasons that we are not progressing

if you're a women who never gets along with other women, you are the problem.

lol bc bitches, right???

As an administrative assistant, I hope one of the "frickin secretaries" spits in your coffee. Not really, because that's gross and unprofessional, but jesus. God forbid your coworkers seem to like you (god knows why, maybe because you're such a Cool Girl) and want to interact with you. That must be terrible for you.

The only women I'm suspicious of are the ones who claim to be just flummoxed by other women. Poor little old uncomplicated you, having to endure codependency and faux family relationships.

You literally suggested that women in the workplace are co-dependent over-sharers who apparently need validation from you. You, apparently, are an enigma among women. Also... secretaries? Really?

Duuuuude. You pretty much just did say "all ladies in the workplace are annoying, slightly codependent over sharers." I also love my dude-friends and pretty much need my brother-substitutes anywhere I go, but it's not bc I think ladies suck, it's bc I love both dudes and ladies.