
But they're implying that the word is a bad thing.

Well, she could just have half a spine and take a stand for what she believes in and say she's a feminist – if she is, that is – and let people think whatever the fuck they want.

Except women aren't really a minority, are they?

What a bunch of bull crap. As a Scandinavian, how do I give a shite if Africans or Asians can digest milk? I do not. Before yer multivitamins, how were people in the North supposed to get any vitamin D all winter (that would be some 5 months out of the year) long? Or anything fresh for that matter, with the ground

Except I really think she did get some kind of fillers. (Around the eyes). And maybe she did the odd makeup to take the focus of that. That is not just makeup, or lack thereof; it's not.

When I took American History in high school, the teacher spent one whole class on the Vietnam War. 50 minutes.

The only thing worse than an antivaxxer is a hedge fund founder antivaxxer.

Just to clarify: You use this in the pram, when you go for a walk. Or leave your baby outside the grocery store to pick up a few things. (OK, that was in the 60's! Ha.)

that babies should always be kept at home where it's warm

Also: Couples in matching jogging outfits.

I don't know what's wrong with the cover. Isn't that what Jessica Alba looks like?

Because the U.S. is a very sexist society. And some women (idiots) believe they have to fight for the scraps from the men's table – and there is only so much/little to go around – so they gotta beat other women down to get their share. Secondly, a lot of women, a lot of women, agree with the sexist culture

The experience of being culturally brainwashed.

Don't forget chocolate.

Also: "All due respect." Yeah...

This look says "I'm wearing a diaper."

13. Because we like to be contained.

Get one of these. Or two. Seriously, they're brilliant.

Get one of these. Or two. Seriously, they're brilliant.

Oh yeah, atheists here. But then I'm Swedish.