
If Jamie Dornan knew Beyoncé was pregnant and he didn’t tell Dakota Johnson then he cannot pretend they are friends.

*sigh* There’s always the person who bombs the cute animals feed with a damn tarantula : P

Yeah, remember how they said Force Awakens was “retreading old material?” Look who’s laughing now.

Somewhat unamusingly, an edict came down from our airline management via email about this. They were going to start holding the flight crews accountable for anyone who got on board who was turned away from the USA (it costs the airline an enormous amount of money when this happens.)

Dude, stop. Comparing Lex Luthor to Donald Trump is completely inappropriate.

“Never again!” We yelled for years, without actually fucking meaning it, apparently.

This is what America did to the Jews in WWII. We are literally repeating history and no one is stopping this.

The GOP and everyone participating in enforcing this bullshit are complicit in crimes against humanity.

It seems hypocritical to keep referring to it as an egg and not a chicken.

Spencer did nazi that coming....


Now playing

I only really care about this series he did:

It’s a Turdis?

To pen an authentic and intellectual cinema review – the kind worthy of publication in America’s snootiest airport magazine – one must remember to include countless, such as it were, asides and clauses, seemingly without a purpose other than rendering one’s prose an inarticulate gruel of half thoughts, all while

Holy shit. I knew Ted Giesel had a political streak, but this is genius!

Thank you, Neville Chamberlain.

Having been raised by ultra-Christian/ultra-Liberal parents I always resent the notion that believing in God also means you don't understand science or marriage equality or vaccinations.

"Overall, not believing in God seems to make people and their offspring more tolerant. Less racist. Less sexist. Enviro-friendly."