
@chubmaniac: I'm not saying she should take the money, nor did I say she deserves it, but any person with money and half a fucking brain gets a pre-nup. Unless they don't want to protect their assets.

@ajlien03: Yeah, but first I guess we have to teach a big chunk of people how to read.

@clevernamehere: Exactly! For some reason, people are reading "global population" and are thinking "developed nation".

@ajlien03: I agree, but it's not like we can force people to use birth control. I said upthread that there really isn't a big solution, we just need to educate people.

@ajlien03: I guess it has to affect the "first world" before we'll care. But in a way, it already has. People here (the US) are staving. Or they're eating awful food because they can't afford other options.

@Annarchy: Adoption is difficult, not everyone is allowed to adopt, and it's also expensive.

@envirodesigner: Something tells me pro-lifers are fine with people starving.

Good thing we have an infinite number of resources!

He wants to be an MRA martyr.

Posting pictures of shiny things that men buy you? I thought that's what facebook was for!

@juglandaceous: I've been to one vegan restaurant here (NY) and I don't trust their cheese.

@ThereIsNoFluffy: Isn't "decent vegan gluten free pizza" kind of an oxy moron? :P

@Deeba: They're probably counting fish under the meat category.

@eclare09: Well, no, it doesn't look like anywhere is eating *no* meat or vegetable.

This snow is like Hitler.