
Is there a reason for the lack of information regarding the identity of the off-duty cop? Is it definitely unavailable, have we just not found it yet, have we decided not to post it for some reason? It just seems odd to leave out such a central detail without explanation, but I don’t even see people remarking on

This is exactly right. All the coroner’s ruling does is say that this man didn’t just die; he was killed.

And this is why I’m not a Democrat, why I will never be a Democrat, and why everyone can go fuck themselves, that’s enough internet, this country is stupid, I’m leaving, I’m done, good night.

This made me so angry that I had to close my browser and come back.

Ah, eighteen. You’re considered legally responsible for your behavior and you can be drafted and sent around the world to die for your country, but you can’t drink or light up because you’re too young.

I think that the sudden, severe fizzle at the end was pretty jarring. I was playing this fantastic Suikoden-like game for hours, and then: fuck politics, that guy is EVIL and he wants to destroy the world!

I remember enjoying the first chapter of the cancelled stand-alones starring Madison Paige far, far more than the main game.

Don’t dip into your own stash. That’s the lesson I’m learning from this.

I was visiting family until yesterday evening and busy with a reddit flame war since then. :( This...was the first news article I read.

I guess I’m a Bernie Bro? Only not a bro?

Well, that’s it. I think I’ve had enough news for the week.

It would be easier and cut down the budget for kibble to just let them admit they don’t like black people. (Thanks for sourcing me! It’s late and I was toooooo lazy.)

In Texas?

It’s a great post, but the title led me to expect more, and so I was disappointed.

Since it’s been shown that drug-sniffing dogs react as much to what their handlers want them to find as they do to any particular substance, let’s just retire them to nice homes and belly rubs.

Probably more pleasant for the passengers, as well.

*clutches pearls*

If I find myself having to refer explicitly to a particular word or directly quote profanity or racial slurs, there’s no way I’m going to talk around it like I’m five. That’s not even the same ballpark as Maher.

“Is it not a joke?” said Danglars.