
Given that I knew you were calling it a “zombie fish” before I watched the video, I suppose I have only myself to blame for the nightmares I’m going to have forever.

ColourPop sells “pressed pigment” eyeshadow with the disclaimer that it’s “not intended for use in the immediate eye area.” When I asked them, they said it’s because they use ingredients that aren’t FDA approved, but reassured me that I could check social media to see that people use them just fine and they’re totes

I can’t read this without wanting to vomit. After my husband left me and divorced me, and I was reeling and in pain and recovering from a suicide attempt and a long stay in the psych ward, I get this letter in the mail. He’s requesting an annulment on the grounds that I never intended to fulfill my marriage vows. I

They have no idea what they want in this game. My money is on it never happening, again.

If he were going to prison, he’d be on his way already. There’s one motherfucker on that jury determined to keep him out.

These people will quit calling themselves Christians before they quit being racist.

And men talk about women playing video games, apparently.

Believe me, some women are well-aware of this problem. There comes a point where it goes on long enough that nobody’s having fun.

I didn’t make it a third of the way through the comments before throwing up. I had this idea that because I was safe, I owed it to these poor people... I didn’t know I was so terrified of being trapped in a burning highrise until today.

This isn’t about banning cultural appropriate. It’s about requiring it to be labeled.

I just don’t understand how so many people can see a story like this and hop over here, quick like a bunny, to shit all over it.

She’s absolutely right. For three words. When she said “I am entitled.”

I hope the remake adds actual things to do.

The police have become just another street gang. We need to end their racist sprees by arresting, charging, indicting, prosecuting, and convicting officers who shoot in any situation other than in which a life was *actually* in danger. Unfortunately, that’s going to take a big change on the Supreme Court... and if

I’m a white teacher at a school where the student body is about 70% black (20% Hispanic, 10% White/Other). At least half of the teachers here are black, as are all but two administrators (out of 12 I’m counting). I try very hard to overcome any biases that I have, and here’s the bittersweet truth: it’s pretty easy

This article makes it sound like the judge is sending these cases to some kind of legal purgatory and ensuring that they’ll never see the light of day. That’s not what’s going on here. The outcome of his refusal to hear the cases is positive: the cases will be heard by someone who isn’t an acknowledged homophobe and

I’m finding it difficult to express the extent of my disbelief regarding the continued survival of someone this stupid.

Her claims about contraception aren’t an argument against it—it’s really a justification for abortion, because she’s rightly stating that a significant portion of women who responsibly used

The Squenix games you listed have been released on other systems. I agree that they’re great, but I’d rather have Secret of Evermore, which I can’t play in any way but emulation, than all three of the ones you listed.

I agree. I was impressed. Jezebel’s title is boring compared to this!

Well, now the Real Americans have a great reason for going after anyone who looks like an immigrant: after hearing about the old man who was beaten by an immigrant for being American, they fear for their very lives.

Preemptive counterattacks: not just for the police anymore!