
I buy Hanes or Fruit of the Loom, whichever is cheaper. :(

I buy Hanes or Fruit of the Loom, whichever is cheaper. :(

I guess I’m wondering how much you think is a reasonable price for a single pair of panties and how I’ve been doing it wrong all this time.

I guess I’m wondering how much you think is a reasonable price for a single pair of panties and how I’ve been doing

I used to laugh at things like this, because of course I’d never do anything like this—until I did.

It wasn’t what Obama himself wanted.

That’s not what “literally” means.

Pilot V-5 pens are the best.

If any of our legislators had any real respect for the rule of law, Trump would not be president until he actually removed conflicts of interest, and they would be denouncing him as he threatened the freedom of the press. Instead, the American people have elected a bunch of corrupt, power-hungry, amoral assholes

This makes me so angry. How does Skyrim need 20 gb of my hard drive? That’s ludicrous!

I’m starting to think that we just need to scrap our government and start over.

I just... What? Wait, seriously? Why? What?

White Trash is now on my tablet. Thanks!

I thought that that was just my cat.

Considering that I’m pretty sure he wasn’t born when AYB started, I’d be hugely impressed. He’d get an A for sure! ;)

I gave an extra credit question on the last math test I gave: “How many points do you think you earned on this test?”

I just heard a report on NPR denying that they’ve determined the cause or source of the fire. They played a clip of their fire chief saying so in unequivocal terms.

This headline is very confusing. I initially read it as the father being arrested.

When people who have more money than they could ever possibly need see other people who are struggling to get by because the distribution of wealth is so unfair, and they somehow tell themselves that the disparity is because they “earned” it, they’re assholes. That’s how I look at it. No, they don’t “have” to give

I’m glad I read this! I was sort of thinking about buying, but Nintendo’s still in online community snafu mode.

Konami has control of some of my favorite franchises: Silent Hill, Castlevania, Suikoden... If they don’t want to make games anymore, can they please sell the rights to someone else who will?

I have a confession to make.