Why don’t we just make being critical of Trump illegal? All of this nonsense would make a lot more sense in that legal environment.
Why don’t we just make being critical of Trump illegal? All of this nonsense would make a lot more sense in that legal environment.
God dammit.
The underlying issue might be medical. Sure, he has confidence issues, but those could have been caused by the condition. The causality isn’t clear, and it doesn’t have to be one or the other. Either way, he should see a doctor to make sure that there isn’t a physical component to the problem, because, if there is,…
I really think you should recommend that the ED guy see a doctor before telling him that it’s all in his head.
Name-calling and trying to shout down what I said is not making an argument. Please just go away and find an MRA site or something instead.
You do realize that it’s not illegal to have a gun, right? Seeing a gun doesn’t mean that a crime is being committed.
So, what you’re saying is, the police were looking for one black guy and they couldn’t find him. Unwilling to go home without some kind of a trophy, they found another black guy to hassle. And then they shot him, because that’s what police do when they see a black man.
This terrible situation highlights a huge problem with police mentality across the country: officers provoke and instigate completely unnecessary conflict, and they escalate situations that never should have been adversarial in the first place.
Just looking at that picture of “Hitila” surrounded by white supremacist just made me... I don’t even know. I mean, that whole room full of people? Educated, well-dressed men doing the Nazi salute for a camera? How are this many people this disgustingly wrong this brazenly?
I didn’t get the dress and I don’t get this.
The thing that made me the maddest about this case is that the fact that a black man simply told a police officer that he was armed got him dead—while these white, Bible-thumping, gun-toting, alt-right psychotic assholes carry assault weapons through public places and don’t even get stopped.
Well, Secretary of State is already taken... How about attorney general? Trump still needs one of those, doesn’t he?
Right, because no matter what stupid thing a woman has done, the final nail in her coffin is that she isn’t pretty. Christ.
Term limits! Yes, we need term limits.
Ah, yes, the obligatory you’re a better gamer than I am comment. Glad we got that out of the way.
I could make it out of the first area, but just barely. By the time I moved onto the second, though, I was crippled and out of bullets. That doesn’t even make it to the point where customization matters.
I love this game, but, sadly, I can’t play it anymore. You see, the only way I survived the first act of PE and it’s sequel was to use a GameShark.
I love/hate her.
I was taught that Amerindian was the preferred term. I grew up saying Native American How do you feel about those?
I’m a Nintendo handheld-fan, and this would get me back into buying their consoles instead of just Sony’s. (To be fair, the Wii U is the only one I’ve skipped...ever...and that had a lot to do with money). I’m okay with casual players crushing candy on their phones and leaving me to play real games.