
This is a totally ridiculous attempt to excuse your deeply flawed sense of morality.

Not funny. Eat shit and die.

And Wagner crumbles under pressure, a fact which I am sure will be completely irrelevant to her participation in the Olympics.

And yet the first choice that overrides the nationals replaces an Asian-American with a white girl. You're sending three white girls to represent the ole U S A!

I did okay with him, especially if I had a buddy. But Seath beat me at least three times last time I played, and I had two buddies each time. With Nito, I used a Quelaag Furysword +5 and had very little trouble when the minions got near, since it has such a wide sweep, and taking Nito down went pretty quickly.

I actually sort of liked not being invaded while Hollow. I hate being invaded. I'm lousy at PvP, so it's just an automatic sigh, die for me unless I have friends. Where did you find this information? I don't doubt it, but I assume there are more details about the game from the same source, and I'd like more

If they called it "empowerment for single moms," would this be okay? I'm not saying that there's a relationship between the two—I agree with you in deploring the one-sided tactics employed by the anti-choice—but I can believe that a woman who decides to continue her pregnancy needs help as much as a woman who wants

Waiting for the song on Crystal Cave. Fuck that place. Fuck that boss. Fuck the fucking clams in front of the fucking boss.

She was a very interesting character, and I don't think any of the NPCs in Dark Souls have come close. OTOH, all of the NPCs in Dark Souls surpass all of the (other) NPCs in Demon Souls since they don't just show up when it's time to die.

No. Have you seen a MySpace page?

I am absolutely looking forward to this game to the extent that I pre-ordered it as soon as a date was announced.

This is so depressing. I don't have any friends who live anywhere near me. Not one. I don't know what to do about it except maybe go back to grad school.

Do they seriously not have anything important to do?

My family had a dog who once put his paw on top of his treat and tried desperately to eat around it.

This is only a valid argument if child support exists for the woman and the man's choice is taken away.

It's just the kitty/boxes law with multiple boxes. :)

"All the free penis" reminded me of this joke:

I had a stalker from the ubuntu forums. After about three messages, which were escalating in terms of totally ridiculous and unreciprocated sexually explicitness, I told him that his comments were inappropriate and I didn't want to hear from him again. I got four more messages by the next time I checked.

Kanye is a private citizen. Justifiable punching.

She wasn't the sole main character of the game, and IGA specifically cited his idea that women are not believable as vampire hunters when justifying his decision to amend the continuity. That's what really make me mad. If he'd amended continuity to improve the storyline, or just amended it and left us to guess why,