
I actually cannot remember any of the toys I had as an infant, despite using similar toys while babysitting. The toys I remember may have been officially targeted at children, but were definitely meant for collectors: action figures and dolls. I'm not missing a childhood rubix-cube.

There we go. Easy. I'm sorry that I was wrong.

Wow, thanks for being understanding when I admitted the source of my mistake. That's totally gracious of you.

So here's a link that might explain my why mother's limited edition collector's bullshit bullshit set might include a different line. It's urban dictionary, though, which I admit is as good a source as a junkie who want's a buck to score:

Tell me how to take the DVD footage and turn it into youtube and I totally will, if I'm able and it isn't more trouble than I can reasonably handle before everyone stops caring. I've looked at youtube, and the person saying I'm wrong is right about that site. I don't understand how my mother's DVD could be wrong.

I really am just looking at the DVD. It's my mother's—I'm not a big GWTW lover—but I remember laughing at that line because it was so frequently misquoted when I first saw it a year ago, and again today, twice. I don't know what else to tell you. I don't have an explanation.

Well, I guess my DVD came from an alternate universe. I don't know else to say. I watched it again, and he definitely calls her by name. I'm not really willing to go to war over this, though, so let's assume alternate universe because you have multiple corroborating sources.

Not on the DVD I just watched to make sure I was right. (?)

You know what? I honestly don't give two shits about polygamy. Let them do it. Who cares? As long as someone is on the hook for child support if there are problems, I'm happy. Next?

I am categorically opposed to being forced to take two and a half minutes to watch what I could have read in thirty seconds, but I did so anyway, to make sure my comment wasn't included in the video.

And every time I watch any of his videos, I am compelled to re-watch ALL OF THEM. Because, awesome.

Well, it has to compete with his other videos, notably "All I Want for Christmas Is You" and "Call Me Maybe" and "I'm Sexy and I Know It." The first two are chat roulette, and the third is him in the middle of normal people.

Okay, I will move to Japan.

As far as I'm concerned, they could cast Idris Elba as a white Ku Kulx Klan member and I'd love his performance.

I'm still pissed that the last one was inarticulacy using Pittsburgh.

You can too be "meh" about raw oysters! To me, they're okay, but I prefer steamed oysters. If steamed oysters are not on the menu, I will eat them raw and still enjoy them. I don't feel the need for a "palate cleanser" of any kind. And I did have access to them extremely fresh when I lived in Miami and could go to

One of my cats was adopted out of sheer pity. She was sick, and sneezy, and obviously very lonely. She was the first cat I saw, but I promised her right away that I would adopt her.

This is hardly a comparable situation.