
Yeah, what you said is basically what women of color said to feminism. :)

Maybe I'm being paranoid because I kept reading comments on a newspaper's website where everyone was such a flaming white power asshole. Talking about it in socioeconomic terms helps avoid arguments like "I didn't have slaves!" In fact, here's the most precious verbal diarrhea about this movie that I've seen yet:

I don't think that white vs. black women is really as germane in today's context. I am not saying that there is no racism. I AM NOT SAYING THAT THERE IS NO RACISM.

She's still practicing, as far as I know. One thing she doesn't tell her patients is that she's a nurse practitioner and she has two supervisors to answer to, whom the patients never get to meet. I'm seeing a new psychiatrist on Monday, and I've seen him before. He was pretty reasonable. So wish me luck, because

I wonder if this employee knows that her days are numbered. By the time she's forced to confront that reality, no one will remember that this happened, and no one will care that she's out of a job.

I thought of this the moment I read the headline. Kudos to you for the gif. :)

I love the moment when the big kitty decides to humor the little kitty. :)

It won't happen. Doctors can get in legal trouble for writing pain pill prescriptions for good reasons to someone who deliberately ODs on them, but not for just ruining someone's life. That's free.

I'm pretty sure that most expectant mothers have enough on their plate without having to deal with you and the rest of your ilk who have claimed a slight bump in the lawn as their moral high ground, so please stay away. Everyone expects pregnant women to be crazy, so you'd probably get punched in the nose and nobody

I believe it.

They don't want to deal with real problems. I'm not surprised. I'm right there with you at pissed, though.

My traffic most recently involved two murdered porcupines, one murdered beagle, and four squirrels. :( It was way too late for CPR. I'm just glad they weren't cats, or I would have had to pull over and spend the night bawling in a shitty hotel.

I wish I could figure out how to direct-link this post. Since I couldn't, I just shared the content on facebook and credited a Jezebel commenter. I laughed so hard. :)

We simply aren't valued. They don't want to stick up for us, especially when it could mean ruining the life of some misguided young man whose value to society was never in question. So they make up excuses to avoid having to confront the rape culture.

I have to get this off my chest and I figure that here is probably the least damaging place to do it.

Firefighters are already pretty much undeniably heroic. This is just plain not fair to ordinary men who can but dream of saving puppies in front of a cheering crowd.

They'll never give it.

Kansas has been slipping in the worst-state-ever competition. I don't know that Alabama has made much progress, but Arizona and Florida might just be making it too much effort for Kansas to care about maintaining the title.

Christ,. please recall (and watch) the movie of Link acting like a jackass. You don't even mention that. You're cruel, and I sincerely wish you had a job to help pass your time.

Educating one's children is always the job of a parent. Even in places where public education exists and is accessible, parents are supposed to be involved. Food and shelter are far below the minimum that a parent owes a child—they have to secure that child's future, and education is the most common and often the