
But that's not the context of the comment. In the original remark, he is specifically admired for being supportive of his daughter. Every father should be supportive of his daughters! Failing to do so certainly makes a man a shitty person, but pulling it off doesn't deserve special praise—that's how it's supposed

I sort of feel like it's a bit disingenuous to give a man so many compliments for meeting the basic requirements of being a human being. Yes, I realize that many men, especially men of his culture and setting, have no incentive to support women's rights. And, of course, he is a decent man because he is supportive of

What the fuck is the matter with you? You just read a story about a small child being murdered by his mother, and this is your reply? Shame on you.

Also, I lumped "Hasidic" with "Orthodox." How should I speak?

You're exactly right. I just didn't know the terminology. Thanks for explaining, so maybe I won't be an idiot again.

I have been close friends with three Jews. One was Reform. one was Hasidic, and one was Orthodox. I guess I think of the last two as conservative because they have strict rules to live by, and most of these rules are restrictive.

Actually... Every person go watch this right now.

Every fat person go watch this right now:

I had gastric bypass surgery one hundred percent because I wanted to be pretty. I bled internally, and they sent to urgent care. All because I wanted to be pretty.

Morbidity obese is healthier than super skinny. But I had to revise so it didn't tell that they were wrong.

This my life, starting in fifth-grade.

I'm just pointing out one possible to explain this.

Well, there is a huge block of conservative Jews who would be offended by this movie. They definitely think that there's a right way to be Jewish.

ADL... Wait for it, wait for it...

You jerk. Got my hopes up!

Or... it takes a special kind of game.

You should have given this up as a bad job. That's your job. :P

The plot reaches the consistency of cold oatmeal.

No, Malifenct. Sorry, but she turns into a dragon.

Why is there a giant in this picture? And who made the decision to sandwich the shortest person between Obama and the giant?