
This article is super terrible! Super.

This goat needs to reflect on its aggressive mindset.

I'm saving this picture because it's so beautiful.

What the fungus.

Here's a straw. I saw that they were beyond your grasp.

Ha, yes! I think that was intentional. Besides, it in no way destroys my argument! "Excuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me, Princess!"

The only Link I allow to exist in my mind is the cartoon version of him from the 80s, when he was a snarky teenager. None of this cartoon child bullshit. Link is supposed to be cool in a Bruce Campbell way, not in a Ren & Stimpy way!

It happens that I am intimately aware with the ins and outs of making a living as a programmer. I'm not interested in arguing with you; you just get angry and start throwing insults around. Where's the fun in that?

I don't think you understand how being a novelist for a living works.

So what is it about the game programmer's art that makes secondary sale sacrilegious while leaving a trip to the library morally acceptable?

Good evening, Kotaku fans, and welcome to round two of the comment awards ceremony! Now, it's true that the award for "douchiest comment" has already been given, but that doesn't mean that others among you don't deserve recognition. In fact, we now have a rare case of two commentators cooperating in order to win

And, as a result of having bought a used game, you have a period in which to play it and make sure that it doesn't completely suck! EBGames/GameStop is reaping the profit because they are providing a highly valuable service. Can you think of literally any other store that will let you take home a game, pop it in,

Well, Doc, it was a close call, but I finally made my decision. After reading all of the responses to this article, I hereby award your response as the douchiest of them all. Congratulations! Don't feel at all bad about resting on your laurels—this is quite an accomplishment! Heck, take a break from the internet

I bought a 'real' makeup fixer once and then heard that I could use hairspray instead. So, I tried it, and it was every bit as good as the expensive crap. I have sensitive skin, and the hairspray didn't have any negative effects at all.

Are you kidding? Have you forgotten Tifa in FFVII? The graphics limitations didn't allow extra frames for jiggling, so they made her a DD to compensate.

Jerks? Yes. About 95% of atheists are raging assholes. Sadly, about 95% of everybody are raging assholes, too.

Sorry, I'm missing the context that makes your comment commanent okay. You have only the original draw to draw from. Try higher.

And yet there is going to be a "babby." This "babby" and the mother deserve as much privacy and consideration as anyone else. It's sad that they're being denied that.

I assume that they're trying to control the coverage surrounding the birth. By letting everyone know ahead of time what hospital they're using, they avoid the chance of anyone claiming that they're going somewhere else; furthermore, they're ensuring a crowd of witnesses in case a psychopath decides to show up. They

You know what I'm sick of? People pointing out that Zimmerman is overweight.