
I can't believe you think that's a reasonable illustration of these principles. Everything you say amounts to "I know that religion is bad because it's responsible for this list of bad things. I know that religion is responsible for this list of bad things because religion is bad."

You're pretty good at ignoring the good parts. Are we even?

I am absolutely infuriated by this. Over about two dozen games and twenty years, we have exactly one female protagonist—and they retconned her away. That's really reason enough to be pissed at Konami, but it gets better: IGA explained the situation by pointing out that it just isn't "realistic" for a woman to be a

If only this were true. Sadly, women actually vote for these asshats. I don't understand their reasoning (and I doubt that they do, either), but they're pretty easy to describe. They're my mom.

Once was clearly enough.

Your argument seems to rely on personal anecdotes and a circumlocution. How do you know that religion is a negative influence which is, fortunately, negated by culture? Because the Westboro Baptist Church! How do we know that the Westboro Baptist Church is indicative of bad religion being defeated by good culture?

I share her horror.

I have never had a pedicure. My mother once gave me $40 for one, and I spent the money on video games. She offered to give me another $40 if I promised to use it for a pedicure, which I could not do. Occasionally, I look at my feet and wonder if getting a pedicure would make a big difference to how my toenails look

My husband of eight years recently left me because I was not actively gung-ho about the idea of quitting my (paid) PhD program in order to have babies and be a stay-at-home mom. Yes, we talked about this, extensively and often, before we were married and while we were married. He expressed a desire to have children

I don't agree that it's okay to condemn a religion, or all religions, as you seem to be doing, but... Well, you have a point. It's just that the problem should not be labeled "religion." The problem is culture. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hare Krishna, Rastafarianism—the extent to which believers hurt other

This is just silly. You don't get to define a religion for somebody else. You can't pick up the Bible, or the Koran, or the Torah, or whatever and tell believers that they don't believe what they say they believe and that they do believe what you want them to believe so you can belittle believers of all kinds and

Trying to imagine a society (not prison) where 99.3% of men report being sexually harassed & (male) rape is epidemic...

If people can't change, then there really is no point.

How did "Gary" not immediately start his talking time with, "The fact that you just dragged the previous speaker away because you didn't like her opinion is fucking appalling." What else could he have possibly had to say that was more important than that? One person is uncomfortable. Two people are permission for

You're only in it for X-2? You think the original game was terrible but you like the pop-star version where none of the main characters drive the story but at least they have no clothes? What the fuck.

This is a SHITTY justification for allowing women to accuse someone of rape. It's on about the same level as "but women be accusin', yo" as far as the logic goes.

This is actually how free speech doesn't work.

But I wanted to be his girlfriend. :(

Stop it. This is depressing. I want to get married again.

I like the idea of $6000 being a "nominal" cost. I would love to adopt someday, but I just can't wrap my head around spending tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege of raising a child that society doesn't want to take care of.