Ahahahahahahaha. No, seriously, I can say ROFL and mean it. Those last three? AHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Ahahahahahahaha. No, seriously, I can say ROFL and mean it. Those last three? AHAHAHAHAHAHA!
You guys are all nuts.
Daycare isn't usually trying to enforce a pee schedule.
Potty training means understanding how a toilet works and recognize when you have to go. If her teacher didn't let her go, that's not the kid's fault. If the teacher seemed annoyed or made a derogatory remark every time the kid DID go, it's reasonable that she'd try to hold it. If her classmates made fun of…
I had a similar experience with a high school french teacher. I had my period, and I NEEDED to go. When she said no, I quietly approached her desk and explained why I needed to go. I don't remember exactly what she said, but it was a reluctant yes, and she talked loud enough for the entire class to hear. Most of…
Little kids cry because they want the pink shirt and you packed the blue one. They don't worry about paint getting on their clothes until paint is on their clothes, and then they cry. They want to wear a pink tutu over their uniform, and, if you don't let, they will cry. Somehow, the cool kids will make fun what…
Hurry! Somebody call the whambulance!
When I was very young, my father and I experienced the most hilarious bout of racism ever. We were in a restaurant in Kentucky (I think) and my dad ordered collard greens.
I attempted suicide last autumn. It was a legitmate attempt; I took a lethal dose of medication and washed it down with half a bottle of vodka. And then I woke up the next morning. My parents had seen me that night and tried to wake me up, but they didn't call an ambulance. When my dad spoke to me the next morning…
It's sad, but there's no way I can respond emotionally when the whole time I'm thinking that advertising has become over the top and disgusting.
And, when cops are held responsible for their bogus arrests stemming from power issues, something might change, but not now. They have to pretty much maul someone or steal drugs to make it as far as IA. Cop smacks a witness? Bury it. Unlawful arrest on a made-up or mis-applied statue? Never hard of it. Forcing a…
There was one in St. Louis that was absolute shit.
I didn't have sex until I was married at 26 years of age.
Thanks for overlooking the typo.
But what? I honestly have no idea what should follow they ellipses.
So what? Even if this is true, there's a huge population of women to whom game creators are anti-marketing.
I like that phrase and I use it whenever I'm describing my stance on abortion. It's exactly what women should be legally entitled to.
Why should she trust another law enforcement officer whether she remembers this or not? I hope she doesn't for her own sake, but blind trust of police officers is stupid.
THE HEARING OFFICER IS UNDER INVESTIGATION FOR HER ACTIONS IN THIS MATTER. I don't know why the fucking article doesn't mention that.
The article should make clear the contents of the headline. Christ.