
I agree with the first post.

My primary field of study isn't cut out for internships of any kind. That being said, I think it's really shitty that corporations essentially force people to do unpaid work for them before having a paycheck—and that people actually go in for it. This is the perfect case for general "strike." Unfortunately, that's

It's nothing but a comparison to Obama.

First post I saw on Dark Souls 2 + genuine irritation at bragging about how Dark Souls wasn't hard.

The title of this article was misleading to me. I expected to be posting a very critical comment about the substance of the article based on the experience of having a friend from college who wanted all the craziness just to be asked out (she was not a friend for more than six months). Fortunately for all of us, I

Oh, go to hell. No one cares that you want us to know what Dark Souls was easy for you. Most of us just don't believe you, but everyone wonders why you feel the need to share it with the world. What insecurity are you coaxing with this particular instance of boasting?

It was clear to me.

I hate/have to throw this gem into the mix:

If you want to make sure that you're with a partner who will never exercise reproductive freedom against your will, you need to find someone whose stance on abortion is to already be biologically infertile, because you have no legal, moral, or common-sense right to force someone else to apply your theoretical stance

The problem with your very reasonable response is not going to come from "pirates," but from the companies on the behalf of which it sounds like you think you're arguing. These corporations don't just want us to pay for content—they want to maintain their monopoly over the content in such a way that allows them to

Start with only the last paragraph and you have the beginning of a gawker-network commentary article.

I should work on my online communication. No, I meant all good things.

Neither are we. Advice?

Thank you for demonstrating exactly who and what allowed this to happen. You, and people who think like you, are responsible for eroding everyone else's rights and freedoms. Are you proud?

I'm amazed by how few people are answering this with the sincere suggestion that we replace our government. Somehow, most people conflate the idea of firing your government with terrorism. They forget that that's how we got here.

They don't have to justify it if they refuse to admit that it happens. Do you see politicians leaning over backward to explain this situation? Of course not. They're saying the bare minimum and waiting for something else to catch our att OOH SHINY.

No, really, we've given the government millions and millions of miles without them even asking, let alone demanding. The thing is that most people thought they were only giving away freedoms that belonged to somebody else. Now that it's becoming apparent that the government is at least as interested in spying on its

I like this. Very succinct and straight to the point. I don't think I've ever heard it put so elegantly before.

That's nowhere near what I was thinking. Like I said, I'm sorry. I obviously did not say what I meant.

I think I gave you the impression that I'm being critical of you. I didn't mean that. I don't know what you think I meant exactly, but I didn't mean that. Sorry for not making sense. :-)