This is a great review. It doesn't sound like my kind of game—I suck at combos and nothing ticks me off more than invisible fences around scenery—but I really wish I could watch someone else play it.
This is a great review. It doesn't sound like my kind of game—I suck at combos and nothing ticks me off more than invisible fences around scenery—but I really wish I could watch someone else play it.
I am baffled by the idea that major plot details from a novel published over a decade ago can suddenly be considered "spoilers" because someone got around to putting it on television.
Cheer up, guys! Here's how this could be worse.
Penny Arcade Adventures.
Denis Dyack was president of Silicon Knights, the studio which produced Eternal Darkness, and director of the game itself. He became extremely unpopular with online fans due to his complete disregard of the "do not feed the trolls" sign. His relationship with game reviewers is the video game equivalent of "you're…
There must be something about the way these crowd-funded projects work that I don't understand. How can they announce a campaign, begin raising money for it, and then just... change their minds?
I'll be honest with myself and admit that I'm pretty much going to get this game the first time I see it for sale. Then I'm going to waste hour—nay, days—of my life doing repetitive tasks which I don't enjoy so that I can grow a new color of tulip or some such. I will obsessively water my flowers and pick my fruit. …
This video is awful. I say that only because it's so close to being fantastic.
I only use my real birthday if I can ask myself "if any member of my family saw my identity attached to this content, would that be okay?" and answer yes. Anything else, and it's bullshit bullshit bullshit.
I appreciate the point you're making with this, and it's a good one. But you are still speaking from a position of privilege as a male speaking about a male-dominated industry. Women are already poorly represented in the video game industry, in every role from characters to developers. Women of color have even less…
I've read this article so many times that I don't even know if I've commented on it before.
I don't even know what to say. +1 isn't enough.
I like the feeling of exploration. Demon Souls had too much of a "level" feel, especially with the way saving was handled. I don't remember ever managing to get help through co-op, but I don't know if I knew how to try. I loved writing messages, though.
I totally forgot about Oblivion, because that's one of the very few (like, two) PC games I bought—it was never on my PS3 radar. As for MGS3, never played it, and never heard anything good about it. I was thinking more along the lines of Heavenly Sword, which was a pretty pile of press-x-to-not-die shit.
People who understand, understand. People who don't understand will never understand. Hugs.
Do your research. Overweight people live longer lives and are less risk for heart disease and diabetes than underweight people. Obesity: unhealthy, but still people. Overweight: healthier than Hollywood stars, and still people.
Ahaha. That's perfect.
I liked the fact that Demon Souls (I can never remember where the plural and possessive go in that phrase, so I give up) didn't make you look like a mummified corpse for 9/10 of the game, but it was way to hard for me. With online play and help, I managed to navigate the learning curve, and I can now do it on my own.…
Why should they focus on next-gen? Sure, some people with more money than sense will be out there on day one to pick up whatever they're calling the PS4 (hey, I was one of those people with the Wii, so I know what I'm talking about), but it really makes a lot more sense to wait for a price drop or at least a good…
If this is a next-gen game, I'm going to be pretty ticked off. This series has been PS3, and this game has been in development for months. If it's on a new console, it's basically abandoning a huge chunk of fans, including me! And I WANT THE GAME.