It better fucking not be next gen. I'm not buying next gen for years and I want this game NOW.
It better fucking not be next gen. I'm not buying next gen for years and I want this game NOW.
And they arrest tons of people at bike events predominately attended by whites, do they? Please, show me the numbers that show that the arrests are not disproportinate based on race. I will apologize and admit that you're correct.
Oh, no, you misunderstand. I didn't know that people still thought that it was okay to articulate their racism and to continue to justify their words by claiming that what they said isn't racist because it's "true."
Since so many comments address the issue that now only are women's clothing sizes at A&F nowhere near adequate for the needs of a huge chunk of their employees, but also that this crap makes it hard to find clothes that fit as a consumer, I thought I'd share this.
Wow. They said people like you existed, but I've never actually met one before.
I'm surprised at the negative reactions I see in the comments. If there's one idea that I wish I could just accept, it's exactly this—stop worrying about everything and live. It's okay not to have "everything." Life is what you make of it.
Yes, but that's not the point. Do we think that only black women were running around without pants? If so, explain. If not, why were they the only ones arrested?
It's pretty clear from the first names that the three targeted women all fall within a particular range of skin tone. So we have two possible conclusions to draw:
You are not alone. There's at least two of us.
The ending of a game is a lot more than one screen-cap. Super Mario World has such a neat ending thanks to the slide-show credits which named every enemy in the game. Final Fantasy VI had such a great ending because it wrapped up all the story threads. Neither of those are conveyed by the pictures you chose, and…
I honestly just won't buy a console that doesn't give me the same freedom over used games that the PS3 does. I already own a computer. Right now, the reason I don't play many games on it comes down to two console-only features: used games, and controllers I like.
My point was that this is human behavior. Throwing up our hands and taking it from men because it's "expected" is a disservice to everyone. Notice how all of the "scientific" papers and studies that try to "explain" why men are "naturally" prone to cheat in monogamous relationships are really just chasing after an…
Seriously? When was the last time you asked "what drives a man to do this?" That's just perfectly understandable, is it?
N/A. That's crap. I usually have a great, steady connection, but this is bullshit. I shouldn't have to eat up bandwidth playing a video game.
You've obviously never gotten past more than introductory physics?
Second. Also, people named Peter Keyel. Uh, that might be the same person, but I figured I owed a warning to the rest of the world. He can be a really nice guy when he wants to be, and he turns into a monster the moment he decides he doesn't need you anymore.
Fake banana can be okay, like in runts.
This is what happens when we give power over other people to the kind of people who actively seek power over other people. I get that not all cops go into the profession looking to abuse that power, but the temptation is there every hour of every day, every time someone ticks you off.
Honestly, I'd vote for Jon Stewart. At least he's upfront when he bullshits.
This is the BEST post on kotaku that I've read in a very long time. You managed to make an interview about a game I've never heard about very interesting! And it's not just because the game concept sounds good—you put a lot of work into structuring your post, giving information at the right times, and making it…