
I haven’t tried that one. I’m 44 and I still check my face every morning for pimples. I've been using the DHC cleansing oil that I bought on Amazon and I really like it. I'm surprised, because I never would have used oil on my oily skin. It leaves my skin feeling clean and soft, and it has reduced breakouts.

Hah, I can relate. My shower needs constant cleaning because of the Japanese charcoal soap that I like. But it does such wonders for my naturally rank, greasy hide!

Mr. Smuttins (oily, yet easily irritated skin) has tried this soap and liked it. Benjamin Smuttins did not like that it left black sludge EVERYWHERE in our shower!

I’m responding directly to you because I don’t want to give “right in the junk” any more attention. But seriously, that guy is the fucking worst.

First of all, I’m very sorry for all you went through. I think the reason they’re not helping you, quite honestly, is because they’ve concluded that you probably won’t sue them, as your rapist isn’t/wasn’t a Baylor student, and so their liability isn’t very clear. That’s why their only check up on you was to assess

Black Girls are Magic! It’s lit as hell!

I’m a glutton for punishment, so I read the comments on NPR’s Facebook post about this, and the dudebros are in an uproar over this.

He’s a “feminist” yet the minute a woman turns him down he starts quoting the Donald about angry women and their bleeding vaginas...

I loved his reaction e-mail and tweets. “I wanted to HELP YOU and your failing career. I can offer you twice as much as Buzzfeed.” “Wasn’t hitting on you anyway.” And then started demeaning her and her job. The communication kept getting angrier and angrier. She was outraged, but it was righteous outrage. His wasn’t.

THIS IS WHY WOMEN ARE AFRAID OF MEN. We get messages from men who think they deserve our time and a response just because they have a boner. When we politely decline, they lose their shit. When we ignore them, they lose their shit. When we tell them we have a boyfriend, they lose their shit. And then all of a sudden,

sorry, but the more publicly feminist the man, the more I expect this kind of shit

“But then I didn’t send it because I’m too classy!”

“i offered to help your career” is a thing a weird producer tells you before asking you to the casting couch

where do these people find the time to write such long insane rants

Mantrum: man throws fit because woman does not instantly seize upon his attention like a barnacle to a slave ship.

I’m just so glad that rape victims are being pressured to go to such kind, compassionate, un-biased parties like the police if they want to see any justice. I’m sure this will be an amazing experience for them.

Arizona Republican Congressman Matt Salmon introduced a bill Wednesday designed to protect students accused of rape on campus,