
I’ve been a huge fantasy reader basically my entire life, and I almost exclusively read female authors. It wasn’t a conscious decision, they just tended to be the stories I gravitate to, probably because they have more/better female leads. But I’ve been burned a couple times by male authors I’ve read and enjoyed until

This calculator is bogus and extremely misleading. It told me I already pay more in federal taxes than I do in federal, state, and local taxes put together.

It’s also put together by an extremely conservative think tank.

Oh my god, I know. I’ve seen this picture before and I only noticed that this time... gross gross gross grooooossssss!

Yes to everything you said. Yes and rage. Although with the rape exception, the flip side of that is for victims of rape, we’d be re-traumatizing them by forcing them to go through an extremely invasive legal process whether or not they want it. And... I don’t know if a police report is enough. What if you need a

Oh my god yes, there are massive rabbit holes to go down once you try logic on these people. I had one “moderate” who was in favor of exceptions for health of the mother, rape, incest, but not other situations because “women should be responsible and be on birth control”

It’s not as visible because he’s not as famous, but Bernie has supported down-ballot progressives since well before running for president. One of the knocks against Hillary here in Chi-town is that she supported our god-awful mayor Rahm Emanuel who partially owes his relection to suppressing a video of police