
im not even mad. i literally in my morning brain fog, now soaked in rain, and coffee’s too hot to drink to wake up started researching the cost of breakfast and lunch at school in chicago. got mad they’re free and still charging kids money and the 450 was to cover their lunch debts (which fucking infuriates me, kids

That stability is relative. Pax Americana, like Pax Romana, was always more real in the core than the periphery. Stability in Europe went together with instability in Africa and the Middle East, in many cases, directly predicated on it.

Chadwick was one of us...but South Carolina has so many "pure bloods" that it's an understandable mistake!🤣

But you know what is real loud? The fucking hypocritical voices in The GOP & media calling for him to resign. Uh they and everyone else can shut the fuck up. Jim Jordan? He still in office? Oh he can eat a bag of dicks. Anyone in the media that didn’t look into E Jean Carroll’s very credible Trump rape allegation? You

The dealer is no longer under the same ownership. Its still there though but under a different name. But It wouldn’t make sense to name the dealer now as it would do a disservice to the current dealership and some could imply that they were the ones that did it. Were they still around I would most definitely name them

To think, that this asshole who has been a thorn in the side of the party has effectively canceled himself from re-election and ever trying to make a run to the White House. All because he can’t keep it in his pants.

“Obie say...he ain’t feeding no other man’s child more than his.

Was anybody checking for TI like that in Ant-Man 3? It would have been news if they said Luis wasn’t coming back, but TI? Just another Disney franchise actor who’s also a trash person. Him and Gina Carano should team up for their own movie and call it The Unemployables.

I haven’t recovered from when he was on probation, he and Tiny were pulled over and something they should not have had was found. That bastion of female support 14 Cent piped up that Tiny should have taken the weight for her man. Silly shit in the hip hop community; ride or die always goes too damn far.

Ah, the old “your loan application was denied” ruse. I had that happen to me once, except the application was never submitted and it was a lie to try to ram me into a loan with a bigger down payment, a much higher rate, and I am sure a bigger finance reserve to the dealer. Their mistake was not realizing that in a

Every predator becomes the victim.

The saddest part is that this isn’t uncommon. You are absolutely right, women who worship men as Gods will tolerate and justify anything for their Lord’s blessings and approvals. I don’t doubt these allegations or Tiny’s role in it. I’ve been reading about their predatory behavior on blogs for years. 

This American Life did an episode about the numbers games that dealerships and sales people play with manufacturers. They don’t really care if the car comes back either. Sometimes they just need those quotas up enough to qualify for the bonuses and manufacturer incentives. If the car comes back, the numbers still get

We’ll accept their little statues but the real reward comes from the lifelong heartfelt adoration, bestowing of Auntie/Uncle familial credentials and nostalgic love Black creatives get from our own.

So sorry to hear about that awful experience your mom had, but I’m happy that she won her case and made them look like the fools they were. I worked in sales at a dealership for 2 years, and being up close with salespeople I can tell you that they are the most 2 faced people you’ll ever meet. Acting cordial and nice

Conservatives: We must protect women’s sports!!!!!1!!!1!!!

Whites find the British reassuring for some reason.

I am so tired of America, for real.

Do MFers who refuse to wear a mask also not cover their nose or mouth when they sneeze or cough? Do they lick subway poles? Because you either believe germs are infectious or you don’t. 

Since we’re all on a “FUCK HOLLYWOOD” bend, can we please address the phenomenon of H-wood increasingly cast Nigerian descended Brits to play OUR culture heros in biopics?!