
True story. The men I know who cultivate strong, healthy, supportive and clearly loving connections with other men are fuller human beings. Through playful teasing as well as serious questions about perspectives, they are better at making space for vulnerability and growth within themselves and others.

I know I’ve said this before, but it’s still gross. Raw bacon. I could eat a package of raw bacon if you left me alone with it. I don’t know why, but I loved the smell. Help me.

When you’ve lived with something overwhelming for so long, it can become normal, so much so that you don’t even notice how bad it was until it’s suppressed/gone.

I was thinking, did you have undiagnosed Pica?

While I’m sure I had some I can’t think of any of the top of my head. I do remember my cousin’s though. He was extremely picky and wouldn’t eat turkey at Thanksgiving or lasagna at Christmas. Instead he would eat a plain hamburger patty doused in soy sauce.

Hmmm. I wasn’t much of a composer of gross, but I could down amazing QUANTITIES of food—like, my parents should have entered me in those eating contests. Six slices of pizza at go, whole box of doughnuts, all the grapes, you name it. I think the sheer amount I could pack away got disturbing after awhile—a six year old

Had a friend whos toddler ate an entire jar of Royal Jelly face cream that I think she had paid something like $150 for. 

in kindergarten our teacher brought a ton of red homemade playdough for us to play with. I was sneaky-snacking on it all morning and when we went to lunch I puked it up all over the lunch room floor. they thought it was blood. it was a thing.

I got really into Tang for a hot minute as a kid, but not as a drink. I’d chew up a bunch of gum (and sometimes freeze it) and then coat it in tang and chomp away until it needed more tang. I even constructed a tang dispenser using toilet paper rolls.

So I used to chew up and spit out Cheese Nips to put in between two non-chewed Cheese Nips like a Cheese-Nip-Two-Ways sandwich. I was a weird fucking kid.

Wow, he’s husbanding wrong. I usually try to keep a small chocolate stash around for when my wife craves it. We’ve been married for almost 36 years now!

They can move large quantities of cash and are easier to dodge taxes with and launder money without it raising suspicion with the bank. Throw in that lots of random people coming and going though the day is considered normal.

I’ve seen some speculation that you also have to look at the size of the star - He’s not an idiot and he’s not so famous that he could pull this type of stuff on established stars like Robert Downey Jr. Even Gal Gadot has said it wasn’t her experience. But Ray Fisher, Charisma Carpenter, and Michelle Trachtenberg are

It’s probably a combination of him being nice to the people he likes, and enough of his projects being huge successes that some people are willing to put up with his bullshit for the massive boost he could give their careers.

What is it with crime and restaurants? This reminds me of something that happened in the little Wisconsin town I grew up in.

Hypothetically, what if someone accidentally bought a batch of chocolates that was heavily laced with laxatives and just left that stash in a safe but not-quite-secure location? 

Now playing

Her Whitney Housten was so good Whitney Housten herself liked it. Debra has a good voice in her own right, and she got Whitney’s mannerisms down perfectly. Plus anytime she’s with Aries it’s good.

Hear, hear. I feel the same way about Kim Wayans, T’Keyah Crystal Keymáh, and Ellen Cleghorne.

Yep. I have no idea if SNL ever reached out to her or vice versa, but SNL would have been smart to pay her whatever she asked for and hired her on ASAP after MADTV.

Debra Wilson was easily one of the best performers on that show, always consistent and commited, and if there was any justice in the world she’d be a huge star today.