
Even when Michael is writing satire, he is so inspiring!

Between my morning briefing on the status of the Democratic Party’s sex trafficking

Firstly - just get an HBO Max subscription through Amazon or a 3rd party. you don’t need the entire suite of HBO because most of it will come through there anyway. You will be glad you did for Watchmen and LoveCraft alone. Also Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel is surprisingly adept at bringing current events and how

lobbying efforts for police reform, police union abolition, lawyer and innocence projects for those wrongly arrested or convicted ... establishing a nationwide Abusive Cop Database or employing more effective and sophisticated protest tactics using technology and anti-surveillance... they’re following the typical

I always felt this was going to be somewhat of an evitable conclusion. We see this happen all the time and it’s sad..the last thing we needed for BLM was to be “corporatized

My fave scene is when he’s leaving and tells him “I got the money from the white girl and gave you your cut. Listen Easy, if you ever need somebody to run these streets with, gimme a call. You keep money in a nigga’s pocket!” That shit right there spans the generations as I have friends who have said similar things to

I have been making chocolate chip cookies for over 40 years and I have never heard of aging them before today. Yes I’ve heard that you can chill doughs to bake later if it’s a time issue, but never a recommendation for doing it every time. I mentioned it to my sister and she pointed out that if we tried to age cookie

Alton’s is good, but I prefer Kenji’s Serious Eats recipe that’s linked in the article. Absolute pain in the butt to make, though, as that one gets really granular into stuff like “Whisk a 30g ice cube into the browned butter.” Is that step really necessary? I don’t know, but I do it every time and they come out

I feel like blondies would benefit more from brown butter than brownies would - the richness of the chocolate should be the dominant flavor in brownies.

I have a new favorite which is a little more complicated than these - half browned butter, half softened solid; 1/3 cup of almond flour replacing that much of the AP flour; three kinds of chocolate (dark, bittersweet and milk - with the dark, I chop it roughly which means some of the pieces end up like sweet little

I’d say it’s quite the opposite in my household. Because of social distancing, instead of going to the grocery store or weekend farmers market 3-4 times a week, I now go to the supermarket once every 2 weeks. So now I’ll get veggies and will use them for the first few meals, but they deplete or don’t last enough to

I think that part of this is having more bandwidth to consider different foods and more time to invest in learning how to cook them. I’d bet that boredom factors in too now that we’re eating at home so much more. One can only eat the same things for so long.

My fiancé grew up in a food desert so her Mom didn’t have access to an the variety of veggies she can get now. Since her Mom never made something my fiancé didn’t try it as she didn’t know what to do with it.

Too much popcorn? Unpossible. The amount of popcorn at hand is the proper amount of popcorn.

Was actually in a similar scenario were the homeowner didn’t want to allow inspection, which raised all sorts of red flags. We hired a licensed inspector to “consult” and accompany with us on a tour of the home as “our friend”. I can play games too.

Mosley still didn’t have to quit in a huff because HR called him up and reminded him of company policy. He’s as much a weenie as whoever spoke to HR.

I’m very much with you on this one!

“..you should know that words only have the power you yourself ascribe to them.” That’s such bullshit!! For example, the holocaust started with & in language, so cut your crap.

You can be a good writer and be full of shit at the same time! I’ll never forgive black intellectuals, scholars and writers like Mosley who help popularize that dreadful word.